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Getting Help

Need help? To resolve your issue as quickly as possible, please follow the steps below.

Step 1: Update Zotero

Upgrade Zotero if you aren't running the latest version, as your issue may have already been resolved in the most recent release. You can see the version you're running by selecting About Zotero from the Zotero menu (Mac) or Help menu (Windows/Linux).

Step 2: Check the troubleshooting pages

If something in Zotero appears to not be working correctly, check the Known Issues, Frequently Asked Questions, and Knowledge Base. The following dedicated troubleshooting pages may also be helpful:

Step 3: Post to the forums

If you can't find the answer to your question in the documentation, post a message to the Zotero forums. Both Zotero developers and community members offer support through the forums.

If you are new to the Zotero Forums, please read the forum guidelines and bug reporting procedures before posting.

Note: You need to create a Zotero account and log in to the Zotero website to post messages in the Zotero Forums.

getting_help.1520918201.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/03/13 01:16 by dstillman