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Citation Styles

Zotero uses Citation Style Language (CSL) styles and the citeproc-js CSL processor for creating citations and bibliographies.

This page focuses on CSL-related information specific to Zotero, and CSL-related projects by the Zotero developers. For information on how to use existing CSL styles with Zotero, see Citation Styles. For basic instructions on how to edit CSL styles for Zotero, see the Step-by-step guide. Most CSL-related developer documentation is listed at

Self-hosting CSL Styles

If you decide to host CSL styles online yourself, serve them with a “text/x-csl” MIME type allows Zotero for Firefox to automatically recognize and install your styles.


citeproc-node is a wrapper for citeproc-js for server-side rendering of citations and bibliographies.

dev/citation_styles.1321545550.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/11/17 10:59 by rmzelle