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A big part of what has made Zotero such a successful tool is our vibrant user community. One of the most important roles community members play is testing and refining Zotero. Below are some ways you can get involved in improving Zotero.

Test and check bibliographic styles for accuracy - Check exported files against official style guides. - If you find a problem, search through the forums to see if it has been discussed before. - If the matter has not been previously reported, start a thread. Make your post as detailed as possible. Much of the information needed to report problems with styles should follow the same format as requesting styles.

Test import/export for data loss - Import and export data from Zotero in any of the variety of formats it supports (such as BibTeX, RIS, MODS, and Zotero RDF) and check for data loss. - If you find any discrepancies, search through the forums to see if they have already been discussed. - If the problem has not been discussed, post a detailed message reporting the data loss.

Try to break the newest development versions - You can download the most current development version here. Do not run development versions with your primary collections. - Run Zotero through its paces. Try everything: syncing, indexing, strange inputs, large data sets, etc. - If you find bugs follow the bug reporting procedures.

test.1237579536.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2009/03/20 16:05 by ahoward