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Zotero Institution Storage FAQ

What is the difference between Lab and Institution subscriptions?

Both Zotero Lab and Zotero Institution subscriptions provide members of your organization with unlimited personal and group cloud storage.

Zotero Institution subscriptions automatically provide any Zotero user with a verified email address from your institution's domain with unlimited storage, with no management of specific users necessary.

Zotero Lab subscriptions are managed using a simple interface to maintain a list of specific email addresses that should be provided storage.

How do I find the management interface for my Zotero Lab subscription?

When you first purchase your Lab subscription, you'll see a link to manage the subscription.

From then on, when you're logged in to the Zotero account that manages a Zotero Lab subscription, you'll have a link in your storage settings to “Manage storage for <Lab Name>”. That link will take you to the management interface show here where you can maintain the list of emails that should be provided storage, as well as change the lab's name and renew your subscription when it expires.

Screenshot of Zotero Lab management interface

Do users need to register new institutional Zotero accounts? Can users convert their existing accounts? What happens when users leave the institution?

All Zotero user accounts are registered the same way on Users can bring Zotero accounts that they already have, as well as keep the Zotero account and their data after your subscription ends or they leave your institution.

How can we remove users that have left the institution from our subscription?

There is no need for an organization to remove users. Since Zotero Institution subscriptions are priced based on the total FTE of the organization, there is no cost to the organization to leave users covered.

We may periodically require users benefiting from a Zotero Institution’s unlimited storage to re-verify their email address.

provide members of your organization with unlimited personal and group cloud storage.

Is there any management or administration required for Zotero Institution subscriptions?

There is no management required for Zotero Institution subscriptions. Once the subscription is activated, any Zotero user with a qualifying email address associated with their account will then see that they have Unlimited storage provided by your organization in their storage settings on

Unless specified, all subdomains are automatically included with your domain. For example, is included under the email domain.

If any of your users registered with a different email address, they can add their institutional address to their account when they're logged in at and the unlimited storage will be applied to their account.

Can you provide a list of Zotero users at our institution?

Each Zotero account belongs to the user that registered it, and is covered by our Terms of Service and Privacy policy, even if it has storage supplemented by a Zotero Lab or Institution subscription. In accordance with our privacy policy, we do not share any information on specific users.

What are the payment options for Zotero Lab and Zotero Institution subscriptions? Are renewals automatic?

Zotero Lab and Institution subscriptions are not automatically renewed. Zotero Lab subscriptions can be renewed from the management interface using a credit or debit card. Zotero Institution subscribers will be sent an invoice each year that can be paid by card or bank transfer. If you have a Zotero Lab subscription and can’t pay by card, you can email to request an invoice that can be paid by bank transfer.

What kind of support is provided for Zotero Institution subscriptions?

Zotero Institution subscriptions are designed to be seamless and require no management. We can always answer questions about your subscription by email at For Zotero support generally, we provide the same world-class level of support to all users.