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This pane allows the user to change Zotero's default keyboard shortcuts.

Open/Close Zotero Pane - Shows/hides Zotero

Toggle Fullscreen Mode - Changes whether Zotero takes up the full browser window, or just a portion of it

Library - Sets the focus to your Zotero library

Quick Search - Sets the focus to the search box

Create a New Item - Creates a new blank item in the current collection

Create a New Note - Creates a new standalone note in the current collection

Toggle Tag Selector - Shows/Hides the tag selector

Copy Selected Item Citations to Clipboard - Copies an inline citation for the selected item(s) to the clipboard. (Depending on the style, this could be long and detailed or, if the style demands footnotes, simply a number.)

Copy Selected Items to Clipboard - Copies the full bibliographic citation for the selected item(s) to the clipboard

Try to override conflicting shortcuts - Other Firefox plugins may attempt to use the same keyboard shortcuts as Zotero. This feature may save you the trouble of finding and disabling the shortcut in the other plugin, assuming that's even an option. (Because Zotero is clearly far more important!)

Any changes made to this page will only take effect when a new browser window is opened.

preferences/shortcut_keys.1228771578.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2008/12/08 16:26 by ahoward