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Welcome, National Science Foundation Engineering Research Centers Program users! On this page you will find everything you need to begin using Zotero to manage reviewer portfolios for panels.


Step 1. Install Zotero 2.0

NSF users should download Zotero 2.0 here. If you encounter difficulties installing, please see our installation help page.

Step 2. Activate NSF Components

To add the NSF Reviewer item type and overdue reviewers saved search to Zotero, you'll need to activate Zotero for NSF. The links below will add or remove the NSF Reviewer item type.

You can now add and edit reviewers, as well as track overdue reviewers in the left column.

Using Zotero to Organize Reviewers:

Saving Reviewer Information

Click on the green plus icon above the center column. From the drop down menu select more, then select NSF Reviewer. This will create a blank Reviewer Item. You can then either cut and paste, or manually enter the reviewer's information in the right column. Click on any of the fields in the right column to begin entering your information. When you have finished entering your reviewer's data you can attach their CV.

Attaching A Reviewers CV.

If you find the reviewer's CV on a web page you can click the paperclip icon to attach a copy of the page to the reviewer. If you have already downloaded the reviewer's CV simply drag it from your desktop or a folder on your computer onto the reviewer in the middle column. Try to attach HTML or PDF copies of reviewers CV's. Zotero can search inside these file types, so when you search through your library you will also search through the reviewers CV's.

Tracking Overdue Reviews

Click on the overdue reviews folder in the left column to view a list of all the reviewers who have not yet completed their work. Once a reviewer has completed their work you can tag their review completed to remove it from this folder.

Marking Reviews Completed

Once a reviewer has completed their work you can add the completed tag. To mark a review completed simply select the tags tab in the right column and hit the add button. Then type completed. Tagging reviewer's work completed will keep the reviewer from appearing in your list of overdue reviewers.