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How do I import records from EndNote?

Many people coming to Zotero already have extensive collections stored in other reference management software. The following information describes how to make the move from EndNote to Zotero, but the same basic steps apply to many other reference management systems.

Exporting Your Library from EndNote

Installing RIS Output Style

The preferred format to export your EndNote library for importing into Zotero is RIS. You may already have the “Reference Manager (RIS) Export” style available in EndNote, but we still recommend that you obtain the latest version of this style from the EndNote Output Style repository. Once you download the style file, place it in your <EndNote folder>\Styles directory (overwritting any existing file with the same name). Alternatively, you may follow style installation directions provided by EndNote.

If you have EndNote open, restart it at this point.

Modifying the RIS Output Style

This section is only applicable if you want Zotero to import file attachments

At the time of this writing, the RIS output style provided by EndNote does not include File Attachments for Journal Article entries during export. Due to licensing limitations we cannot provide you with the modified output style, but you can easily modify it yourself.

  • In EndNote, go to the Edit menu > Output Styles. Select “Open Style Manager…”, find the “RefMan (RIS) Export” style in the list, and click Edit. A style editor window will appear.
  • On the left side of the window, select “Templates” under “Bibliography”.
  • On the right side of the window, click the “Reference Types >” button and select “Journal Article”. The view will scroll to the “Journal Article” section.
  • Insert the following line (copy-paste it from this web page to avoid any mistakes) anywhere between the line starting with TY and the end of the Journal Article section (right after KW and before L4 should be the most appropriate spot):
L1  - `File Attachments|`
  • Now go to the File menu and select Save.
  • You may close the Style Editor window at this point and go back to your library window.

Preparing Your Library for Export

It may be necessary, with older EndNote libraries, to convert figures to attachments before you export to a RIS file. This is done by going to the References menu > Figure and selecting “Convert Figures to File Attachments…”

Exporting EndNote Records

  • If you wish to export a subset of your EndNote library, select the entries you wish to export.
  • Now, go to the File menu > Export. A dialog box will pop up asking you where to save the export file.
  • Navigate to your EndNote data directory (typically, My Documents\endnote.Data). There should be a 'PDF' folder inside this directory. This is important: Zotero will look for file attachments in a directory relative to the RIS file you are exporting now. If this file is located in the wrong place during import into Zotero, file attachments will not be imported.
  • Select “Text File (*.txt)” in the “Save as type” dropbox. Select “RefMan (RIS) Export” in the “Output style” dropbox. If you wanted to export a subset of your library and had selected items to export, check the “Export Selected References” box. Otherwise, make sure it is unchecked.
  • Click “Save”.
  • You may close EndNote at this point.

Exporting File Attachments (Zotero 3.0.8 and earlier)

These steps are not necessary for Zotero versions 3.0.9 and later.

EndNote uses a pseudo-URI scheme (internal-pdf) in the exported RIS file to link to files on your hard drive. This method of linking is not supported by other programs, and must be converted to a standard scheme (file) before importing into Zotero. There are scripts to perform this conversion for you.

Importing into Zotero

There are a few Zotero hidden preferences that affect RIS import and, if desired, should be set before importing the RIS file into Zotero. Notably, ignoreUnknown may be used to prevent Zotero from creating note attachments for data that it cannot store in proper fields. This results in a cleaner library, but may cause you to lose some data (usually nothing critical, e.g. author address. See below). Also, keepID will add the EndNote item ID to the note attachment. This would allow you to reference the original item in EndNote, which may be helpful for detecting transfer errors.

In Zotero, go to the Gear menu and select “Import…” A dialog box will appear asking you to select the file to import. Navigate to the location where you exported your EndNote library (if you followed the above instructions, this should be My Documents\endnote.Data) and select the RIS file. Note that the actual file extension may be “.txt” instead of “.ris”. Click Open.

The EndNote library will be imported into a separate collection. You may remove the collection (right-click > Remove Collection…) without deleting the imported references (they will be moved to the root of your library).

Because Zotero and EndNote do not have identical reference types and the type of information that is recorded for each reference type is also not the same, some of the values exported from EndNote cannot be imported into Zotero and stored in a dedicated field. Additionally, Zotero may not recognize some entries in the RIS file and will be unable to assign these values to a particular field. In these cases, Zotero will collect all the values that cannot be properly imported and store them in a note that will be attached to the imported reference. You may be able to manually assign some of these values to certain fields in Zotero. If there is no valuable information in such notes, you can safely remove them.

Tip: You can display all of the notes generated automatically during the import using the “_RIS import” tag. To select and delete these notes after clicking the “_RIS import” tag, select one of the notes and press Ctrl+A. Then, right-click and choose “Delete Selected Items from Library…”

Getting Further Help

If you have any issues related to importing and exporting references, try searching the forums. You may be able to find quick tips to help you solve your problem. If your search doesn’t turn up the answer you were looking for, post your question to the forums in a new thread. This is the quickest way to get information from the Zotero team.

kb/importing_records_from_endnote.1389492991.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/01/11 21:16 by aurimas