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Custom PDF Resolvers

This is draft documentation pertaining to Zotero 5.0.56, currently in beta.

Custom PDF resolvers currently can be configured via the extensions.zotero.findPDFs.resolvers pref, which should be an array of JSON objects. HTML and JSON sources are supported.

You may wish to distribute a custom resolver using a Zotero plugin that adds or updates the pref at startup.

    "name": "My Paper Source",
    "method": "GET",
    "url": "{doi}",
    "mode": "html",
    "selector": "#pdf-link",
    "attribute": "href",
    "automatic": false

selector is a CSS-style selector. If attribute is omitted, the element's textContent is used. index can be passed to select a specific element of a set.

If automatic is false or unspecified, the resolver will be used only for manual actions — Add Item by Identifier and Find Available PDFs — and not when saving from the browser.

Example: Extract PDF URLs from a JSON API

Note: The Unpaywall API is used here for demonstration purposes, but Zotero already uses its own mirror of Unpaywall data, so configuring it with a custom resolver isn't necessary.

    "name": "Unpaywall",
    "method": "GET",
    "url": "{doi}?",
    "mode": "json",
    "selector": ".oa_locations.url_for_pdf",
    "automatic": true

selector uses JSPath syntax.

In this case, .oa_locations.url_for_pdf matches zero or more URL strings in the url_for_pdf property in objects in the oa_locations array.

However, Unpaywall can return either direct PDF URLs or landing page URLs, so matching on url_for_pdf alone isn't sufficient. For advanced cases like this, a mappings object can be provided to pull out specific values:

    "name": "Unpaywall",
    "method": "GET",
    "url": "{doi}?",
    "mode": "json",
    "selector": ".oa_locations",
    "mappings": {
        "url": "url_for_pdf",
        "pageURL": "url_for_landing_page"
    "automatic": true

Here, the oa_locations array is matched directly, and mappings is used to assign the url_for_pdf and url_for_landing_page properties from the array objects to pdf (for a direct PDF link) and pageURL (for a page where a PDF can be translated).

kb/custom_pdf_resolvers.1534420032.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/16 07:47 by dstillman