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Firefox Beta Compatibility

Zotero typically works out of the box with the newest Firefox release. However, if you're testing Firefox releases from the Aurora or Beta channels, there may be some hoops to jump through to get Zotero working.

Warning: While the risk of data corruption is low, some or all Zotero functionality may be broken with Aurora and Beta Firefox releases.

Zotero Firefox extension

  • Zotero 2.1.10 is compatible with Firefox 3.6-9.0.1.
  • Zotero 3.0b3 is compatible with Firefox 3.6-12.0 (and probably later versions as well).

Zotero plugin

The Zotero plugin typically works with new Firefox updates, although Firefox 10 compatibility currently requires the dev XPI. Install the Add-on Compatibility Reporter to force compatibility.

Zotero Word for Mac plugin

The Word for Mac plugin requires PythonExt to operate. The latest testing version of PythonExt is 111220, which supports Firefox 3.6-10.0. Install the Add-on Compatibility Reporter to force compatibility.

Because of changes in Firefox 11, it does not appear to be possible to compile PythonExt for it. The scriptingBridge branch of the Word for Mac plugin Git repository contains an experimental Firefox extension that interfaces with Word for Mac using Objective-C instead of Python. This extension should work with Firefox 4 and all later releases on Mac OS X 10.5 or later, but it is relatively untested, and XPIs are not presently available.

Zotero Word for Windows plug-in

The Zotero Word for Windows plugin must be updated for each Firefox release. Compatibility will be available in the WinWord Integration Trunk XPI prior to release. Currently, the Zotero Word for Windows plug-in supports Firefox 3.6-9.0.

firefox_beta_compatibility.1327277047.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2012/01/22 19:04 by simon