This is an old revision of the document!

Note: This description of connectors applies to the version of Zotero currently being developed, and not to Zotero 2.1.x. To test, use a trunk XPI.

Zotero's support for running translators outside of Firefox (Gecko) is provided by browser plugins that implement all or part of the translator infrastructure in another browser environment. There are currently such connectors for Apple's Safari and Google's Chrome browsers, and there are plans to create one for some versions of Microsoft's Internet Explorer at a later date.

Connectors run translator code and send the resulting items to a local instance of Zotero (either Zotero Standalone or Zotero in Firefox), or to the Zotero server through the server API.

See also: Connector changelog

FIXME This page is woefully incomplete, and should be expanded with a better description, by the time the next stage of Zotero Everywhere is widely released. We should have details on what makes a translator connector-agnostic, on testing connectors, and perhaps a brief overview of what it would take to make a new connector.

dev/translators/connectors.1311598991.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2011/07/25 09:03 by ajlyon