Ronald Visser : Curriculum Vitae


Aalpoel, R. et al. (2024) ‘Teaching material Agent-Based Modelling for Archaeologists (EN/NL)’, 9 April. Available at:
Alders, P. et al. (2015) ‘Halifax LV881 – Zeugnisse des Luftkriegs über Hessen. Untersuchung einer Absturzstelle aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Hungen-Steinheim, Lkr. Gießen’, hessenARCHÄOLOGIE. Jahrbuch für Archäologie und Paläontologie in Hessen, 2014, pp. 203–207.
Alders, P. et al. (2016) ‘Halifax LV881 - Absturz und Erinnerung’, hessenARCHÄOLOGIE. Jahrbuch für Archäologie und Paläontologie in Hessen, 2015, pp. 205–208.
Boasson, W. and Visser, R.M. (2017) ‘SIKB0102: Synchronizing Excavation Data for Preservation and Re-Use’, Studies in Digital Heritage, 1(2), pp. 206–224. Available at:
Brandsen, A. et al. (2023) Book of Abstracts. CAA 2023: 50 Years of Synergy. Available at: (Accessed: 30 October 2023).
Domínguez-Delmás, M. et al. (2014) ‘Long-distance oak supply in mid-2nd century AD revealed: the case of a Roman harbour (Voorburg-Arentsburg) in the Netherlands’, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41, pp. 642–654. Available at:
Driessen, M. et al. (eds) (2009) TRAC 2008: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Amsterdam 2008. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Fischer, A.D. et al. (2021) Urban farming and ruralisation in the Netherlands (1250 up tot the nineteenth century), unravelling farming practice and the use of (open) space by synthesising archaeological reports using text mining. Amersfoort: Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten, 68). Available at:
Fischer, A.D., Kooistra, L.I. and Visser, R.M. (2011) Evaluatierapport over ontsluiting databestanden van houtskool uit archeologische context in Nederland. Zaandam: Biax Consult (BIAXnotitie, 306).
Jutte, A. et al. (2024a) Agent Based Modelling for Archaeologists: Website source. Zenodo. Available at:
Jutte, A. et al. (2024b) Agent Based Modelling for Archaeologists: Website source. Zenodo. Available at:
Marter, P. et al. (2018) ‘The excavation of WWII RAF bomber, Halifax LV881-ZA-V’, Journal of Conflict Archaeology, 12(1), pp. 29–45. Available at:
Mennenga, M. et al. (2023) ‘S03. Our Little Minions pt. V: small tools with major impact’, in Brandsen, A. et al., Book of Abstracts. CAA 2023: 50 Years of Synergy. Amsterdam, pp. 249–251. Available at: (Accessed: 30 October 2023).
Posluschny, A.G., Ritter-Burkert, J. and Visser, R.M. (2023) ‘Rössener Gruben neben dem „Fürstengrabhügel“ am Glauberg. Ausgrabungen der Sommerakademie 2022 in Glauburg-Glauberg, Wetteraukreis’, in U. Recker (ed.) hessenARCHÄOLOGIE 2022 – Jahrbuch für Archäologie und Paläontologie in Hessen. Darmstadt: wbg Theiss, pp. 54–58.
Rocks-Macqueen, D. et al. (2024a) Agent Based Modelling for Archaeologists: Tutorials. Zenodo. Available at:
Rocks-Macqueen, D. et al. (2024b) Agent Based Modelling for Archaeologists: Tutorials. Zenodo. Available at:
Thiery, F., Visser, R.M. and Mennenga, M. (2021) ‘Little Minions in Archaeology An open space for RSE software and small scripts in digital archaeology’. Available at:
Visser, R. (2023a) ‘Roads Subsurface in 3 Dimensions (RSI3D)’. Available at:
Visser, R. (2023b) ‘Securing transport of wood on water on the Roman Rhine: code and data’. Available at:
Visser, R. (2023c) ‘The IUENNA project: integrating old data and documentation for future archaeology’, Peer Community in Archaeology, 1, p. 100325. Available at:
Visser, Ronald (2024a) dendroNetwork: a R-package to create dendrochronological networks. Zenodo. Available at:
Visser, Ronald (2024b) ‘Inscriptions of Saltuarii’. Zenodo. Available at:
Visser, Ronald (2024c) ‘Similarity data set used to test Synchronous Growth Changes (SGC) on dendrochronological data using tree-ring series from the ITRDB’. Zenodo. Available at:
Visser, R. and Vorst, Y. (2022) ‘Analyses, data and figures related to: “Connecting ships: using dendrochronological network analysis to determine the wood provenance of Roman-period river barges found in the Lower Rhine region and to visualise patterns of wood use”’. Available at:
Visser, R.M. (2005) ‘Diepgravend en oppervlakkig, Een vlucht door de geschiedenis van archeologisch onderzoek in Hilversum en omstreken’, Naerdincklant Jaarverslag, 2004, pp. 22–29.
Visser, R.M. (2006) De Romeinse houtvoorziening in het gebied van de Nedergermaanse Limes. Een historisch en dendrochronologisch perspectief. MA. Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.
Visser, R.M. (2007) ‘Behoefte aan bouwhout in de Nederrijnse regio tijdens de Romeinse tijd’, in E. Gehring et al. (eds) Sojabundel 2006. Amsterdam, pp. 107–114.
Visser, R.M. (2008) ‘Geveld door de Romeinen? Aanwijzingen voor bosbouw in de Romeinse tijd’, Vitruvius, 1(4), pp. 46–51.
Visser, R.M. (2009) ‘De Romeinse houtvoorziening in de Germaanse provincies’, Westerheem, 58, pp. 2–12.
Visser, R.M. (2010a) ‘Growing and Felling? Theory and Evidence Related to the Application of Silvicultural Systems in the Roman Period’, in A. Moore et al. (eds) TRAC 2009: Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Ann Arbor (USA) and Southampton (UK) 2009. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 11–22. Available at:
Visser, R.M. (2010b) ‘Growing and Felling? Theory and Evidence Related to the Application of Silvicultural Systems in the Roman Period’, Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal [Preprint], (2009). Available at:
Visser, R.M. (2015) ‘Imperial timber? Dendrochronological evidence for large-scale road building along the Roman limes in the Netherlands’, Journal of Archaeological Science, 53, pp. 243–254. Available at:
Visser, R.M. (2021a) ‘Dendrochronological Provenance Patterns. Network Analysis of Tree-Ring Material Reveals Spatial and Economic Relations of Roman Timber in the Continental North-Western Provinces’, Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology, 4(1), pp. 230–253. Available at:
Visser, R.M. (2021b) ‘On the similarity of tree-ring patterns: Assessing the influence of semi-synchronous growth changes on the Gleichläufigkeitskoeffizient for big tree-ring data sets’, Archaeometry, 63(1), pp. 204–215. Available at:
Visser, R.M. (2022a) ‘Code and data related to semi-synchronous growth changes and the similarity of tree-ring patterns’. Available at:
Visser, R.M. (2022b) ‘Dendrochronological Provenance Patterns. Code and Data of Network Analysis of Tree-Ring Material’. Available at:
Visser, R.M. (2022c) ‘Text Mining of Archaeological Reports for Urban farming  (data and code)’. Available at:
Visser, R.M. (2023) ‘Growth release in late Roman tree-ring material’. Zenodo. Available at:
Visser, Ronald M. (2024) Reproducible code and data related to an updated version of ‘Imperial timber? Dendrochronological evidence for large-scale road building along the Roman limes in the Netherlands’ (2015). Zenodo. Available at:
Visser, R. M. (2024) ‘Securing transport of wood over water on the Roman Rhine’, in H. van Enckevort et al. (eds) Supplying the Roman Empire. Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 4. Leiden: Sidestone Press, pp. 137–144. Available at:
Visser, R.M. (submitted) ‘The Roman timber provision in the German provinces. A model to explain the archaeological, dendrochronological and historical evidence’, Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission, (submission 2019).
Visser, R.M., Cruysheer, A.T.E. and van der Sar, J. (2006) ‘Opgraving “de Hollandsche Molen” te Loenen aan de Vecht’, Jaarboek 2005 van de Archeologische afdeling Naerdincklant, pp. 37–42.
Visser, R.M. and Jansma, E. (2009) ‘Dendrochronologische analyse van het hout van de limesweg te Leidsche Rijn’, in J.S. van der Kamp (ed.) Werk aan de weg. LR 31 Zandweg: Archeologisch onderzoek aan een verspoelde sectie van de limesweg. Utrecht (Basisrapportage Archeologie, 21), pp. 77–89.
Visser, R.M. and Vorst, Y. (2022) ‘Connecting Ships: Using Dendrochronological Network Analysis to Determine the Wood Provenance of Roman-Period River Barges Found in the Lower Rhine Region and Visualise Wood Use Patterns’, International Journal of Wood Culture, 3(1–3), pp. 123–151. Available at:
Visser, R.M., van Zijverden, W.K. and Alders, P.G. (2016) ‘Teaching digital archaeology digitally’, in S. Campana et al. (eds) CAA2015. Keep the Revolution Going. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 11–15.
Wansleeben, M., Laan, W. and Visser, R.M. (2023) ‘Data Exchange Protocol in Dutch Archaeology’, in T. Kalayci, K. Lambers, and V. Klinkenberg (eds) Digital Archaeology: Promises and Impasses. Leiden: Sidestone Press (Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia, 51), pp. 33–46. Available at: