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Nathan Emmerich : Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. Taking Education Seriously: Developing Bourdieuan Social Theory in the Context of Teaching and Learning Medical Ethics in the UK Undergraduate Medical Degree. School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work, Queen’s University Belfast (Funded) Supervised by Professor Lindsay Prior and Externally Examined by Professor Alan Cribb (KCL). 2012. Review:

M.Res. (Masters in Social Science Research Methods). School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy. Queens University Belfast. Dissertation: Ethical Decision Making in Doctors and Nurses: A Contribution to the Kohlberg – Gilligan Debate. 2007.

M.A. Healthcare Ethics. School of Philosophy. University of Leeds.

Dissertation: The Ethics and Rationality of Suicide. 2004.

B.A. (Hons) Philosophy & The History and Philosophy of Science. School of Philosophy. University of Leeds. (2001)

Current Positions and Appointments:

Research Fellow in Bioethics, School of Medicine, Australian National University.

Affiliated Scholar, Institute of Ethics, Dublin City University.

Previous Positions and Appointments

Research Fellow (Ethics and End of Life Decision Making). ENDCARE: European Erasmus+ Funded Project. Institute of Ethics, Dublin City University. (2017)

Visiting Research Fellow in the School of History, Anthropology, Politics and Philosophy, Queen’s University Belfast. (2012-2018).

Academic Secretary to the Academy of Social Sciences’ Research Ethics Group. (2012-2017)

Current Editorial Responsibilities:

Associate Editor for BMC Medical Ethics.

Editor of Case Studies in Social Science Research Ethics part of Case Studies in Research Methods available on Sage MethodsSpace: 

Editorial Board Member Journal of Applied Social Theory