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Marcin Miłkowski : Curriculum Vitae
Section of Logic & Cognitive Science
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology
Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Nowy Świat 72 [room 231]
00-330 Warszawa
email: marcin.milkowski@gmail.com
personal homepage: https://marcinmilkowski.pl/
Career history
2014-current: Associate Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Section of Logic & Cognitive Science (since 2020 chair of the section)
2011-2012: Specialist, Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Section for Artificial Intelligence, Linguistic Engineering Group
2005-2013: Adiunkt (adjunct/assistant professor) at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Section of Logic & Cognitive Science
2013: Habilitation in philosophy, dissertation Explaining the Computational Mind, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press 2013. Reviewers: Prof. Urszula Żegleń, Prof. Tadeusz Szubka, Prof. Witold Marciszewski, Prof. Jacek Paśniczek.
2005: Ph. D. in philosophy, dissertation "Daniel Dennett's naturalized philosophy of mind", Warsaw University (supervisor: prof. Jacek Hołówka, reviewers: dr hab. Witold Strawiński, dr hab. Robert Piłat)
2000-2004: Postgraduate student in the Institute of Philosophy, Warsaw University
2000: M.A. in Philosophy (summa cum laude)
1999-2000: Erasmus-Scholarship in Freie-Universität, Berlin, Germany (philosophy)
1995-2000: Warsaw University. Collegium of the Interdepartmental Individual Studies in the Humanities (Collegium MISH): philosophy, sociology, culture anthropology, and literary theory
Scholarships and Awards
2017: W. Bednarowski Trust Fellowship; research stay at the University of Stirling (2 weeks) and the University of Edinburgh (4 weeks)
2016: Herbert A. Simon Award for Outstanding Research in Computing in Philosophy, International Association for Computing and Philosophy
2014: National Science Center Award in Humanities and Social Science for the outstanding young researcher, for Explaining the Computational Mind
2014: Tadeusz Kotarbiński Award for the best book in philosophy, for Explaining the Computational Mind
2011-14: Three-year scholarship for excellent young scholars, Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
2008: Gold Award in Sun Microsystems OpenOffice.org Community Innovation Program (team work on LanguageTool with Daniel Naber, Germany)
2005: “Zostańcie z nami” award for young scholars from the biggest Polish opinion weekly “Polityka”
2003: The Foundation for Polish Science Scholarship for young scientists (extension)
2002: The Foundation for Polish Science Scholarship for young scientists
- 2023/49/N/HS1/02461, National Science Center PRELUDIUM 22 grant for Marcin Rabiza, scientific supervisor (3 years, 201074 PLN)
- 2022/45/N/HS1/02434, National Science Center PRELUDIUM 21 grant for Wiktor Rorot, scientific supervisor (3 years, 176936 PLN)
- 2020/39/O/HS1/02239, National Science Center PRELUDIUM BIS 2 grant, Principal Investigator (to supervise a PhD student, Daniel Piecka; 4 years, 434680 PLN)
- 2016/20/S/HS1/00090, Warsaw, National Science Center FUGA 5 grant for Błażej Skrzypulec, scientific supervisor (3 years, around 440 thousand PLN)
- DI2015 010945, Warsaw, Ministry of Science and Higher Education Diamond Grant for Tomasz Korbak, scientific supervisor (4 years, around 170 thousand PLN)
- 2014/14/E/HS1/00803, Warsaw, Cognitive Science in Search of Unity, National Science Center grant, Principal investigator (5 years, around 1.5 million PLN)
- 2014/15/N/HS1/03994, Warsaw, National Science Center PRELUDIUM grant for Witold Wachowski, scientific supervisor (3 years, around 90 thousand PLN)
- 2014/12/S/HS1/00343, Warsaw, National Science Center FUGA 3 grant for Dr. Paweł Gładziejewski, scientific supervisor (3 years, around 415 thousand PLN)
- 2011/03/B/HS1/04563, Warsaw, Theory of representational mechanisms, National Science Center grant, Principal investigator (2 years, 60 thousand PLN)
- DI2011008441, Warsaw, Ministry of Science and Higher Education Diamond Grant for Leon Ciechanowski, scientific supervisor (2 years, extended)
- 1380/B/H03/2010/39, Warsaw, „Wyjaśnianie obliczeniowe w kognitywistyce. Jego natura, zakres i ograniczenia” (Computational Explanation in Cognitive Science. Its Nature, Scope, and Limits), Polish Ministry of Science habilitation grant, Principal investigator
- 0269/H03/2010/70 (Iuventus Plus), Warsaw, „Explanation in Cognitive Science. Models and Simulations”, Polish Ministry of Science grant, Principal investigator
- CESAR (CEntral and South-east europeAn Resources), grant no. 271022, 7th Framework Programme, Warsaw – Instytut Podstaw Informatyki PAN, development of morphosyntactic dictionary Morfologik, Project member
- 609/DWB/P/2008, Warsaw, „Analityczna metafizyka umysłu” – a philosophy of mind reader, financed by the Polish Ministry of Science (co-editor, with Robert Poczobut)
Refereed papers
Refereed chapters
Invited papers
Edited volumes
Special journal issues
Conference proceedings
Encyclopedia Entries
Podcasts, Videos, and Talks
Invited plenary lectures
- Content-Sensitive Mechanisms: A Systematic Overview, 17 May 2024, MeReX kick-off workshop, Technical University of Berlin
- Peer Review of Code, 20th November 2023, HaPoC 7, Technical University of Warsaw.
- Putting it all together. A plea for theorizing in cognitive (neuro)science, 13th December 2021. AISC 2021, 7th Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Science, Noto, Italy.
- Networking the Mind, Warsaw Goes International, 5 July 2021, Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw
Cognitive Architectures and the Unity of Cognitive Science, Virtual International Symposium on Cognitive Architecture (VISCA 2021), 11 June 2021, Soar Research Group, University of Michigan
Cognition is (mostly) representational. So what?, Meta4E, Mental Representations in a Mechanical World. The State of the Debate in Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Science, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, 28-29 November 2019
- The Search for Theory and Mechanisms in Psychiatry, INNP 2019: Experts in Mental Health, 22-24 October 2019
- Cognitive Science: unified by computation and representation, XV Zlot Filozoficzny / Philosophers' Rally, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 28-30 June 2019
- Mechanicyzm a unifikacja teoretyczna, III Konferencja Filozofii Nauki i Metod Formalnych w Filozofii (KFNiMFF), Warsaw University of Technology, 13th December 2018
- Replicability or reproducibility? On the replication crisis in computational neuroscience and sharing only relevant detail, Aspects of Neuroscience, University of Warsaw, 24th November 2018
- Informatyka a kognitywistyka: wzajemne inspiracje, Filozofia i informatyka IV, Politechnika Warszawska i Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Warszawa, 23rd November 2018
- Making Explanations Systematic: Levels of Organization in Cognitive (Neuro)science, The Mechanistic Approach in Biology and Cognition, Center for Philosophy of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (CFCUL) / NOVA Institute of Philsophy (IFILNOVA), 20th November 2018
- Identity of Computational Mechanisms, Varieties of Identity, University of Granada, 15th November 2018
- Architektury poznawcze a jedność umysłu, Zderzenia Poznawcze, University of Warsaw, 19th May 2018
- Jak udowodnić, że myślimy obrazami, a nie w języku myśli?, I Białostockie Forum Kognitywistyczne, 15th March 2018, Białystok, Poland
- Is Enactivism a Progressive Research Programme?, Computation and Representation in Cognitive Science: Enactivism, Ecological Psychology, and Cybernetics, July, 2017, Sussex, UK
- Cognitive Architectures and the Unity of Mind, Mind Network, March, 3rd, 2017, Glasgow, Scotland
- Strategie unifikacji w kognitywistyce, XI Zjazd Polskiego Towarszystwa Kognitywistycznego. Integracja Badań w Kognitywistyce, September, 22nd to 24th, 2016, Białystok, Poland
- Integrating computational models of the mind, IACAP 2016, June 14-17, 2016, University of Ferrara, Italy
- Czym jest kognitywistyka, Kognitywistyka na uniwersytecie i na rynku pracy, Uniwersytet Śląski, Katowice, May 17, 2016
- Wyjaśnianie obliczeniowe, Kognitywistyka na uniwersytecie i na rynku pracy, Uniwersytet Śląski, Katowice, May 17, 2016
- 'To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.' Unification by transposition in cognitive science, 3rd International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science, May 8th, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey
- Multiple realization: from Wunderwaffe to Epiphenomenalism, Contemporary Perspectives on Reductionism, 5th Ernst Mach Workshop, Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, June 30-July 1, 2016
- Symposium Keynote Lecture: Situatedness and models of mechanisms, Situating Cognition: Affect, Agency, and Extension, October 15-18, 2015, Warsaw
- Jak tłumaczyć filozofów?, Tłumacz a komputer, Wyższa Szkoła Filologiczna we Wrocławiu, October 25, 2014
- Obliczeniowe modele reprezentacji halucynacyjnych i psychotycznych, X Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Kognitywistycznego. Poznanie, komunikacja i działanie. Mechanizmy integrujące i separujące, Szczecin, Wydział Humanistyczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, September 27, 2014
- Eksplanacyjna wartość dużych symulacji mózgu: perspektywa mechanicystyczna, Mózg-Myśl-Maszyna, „Algorytmy i heurystyka w badaniach nad umysłem”, Lublin, UMCS, May 17, 2014
- How to build brains? From artificial intelligence to computational neuroscience, Warsaw Goes International, Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw, May 20, 2014
- Naturalism vs. Conceptual Analysis, Zlot Filozoficzny 2010, Ośrodek Badań Filozoficznych/Koło Naukowe Filozofów UŁ, May 7, 2010
- Nauki reinżynieryjne, Drugie Łódzkie Warsztaty Filozoficzne. Język i technologia. Wątki lemowskie w filozofii nauki i kultury, Łódź, UŁ/KNF, April 25-27, 2008
International conference presentations
Polish conference presentations
Program Committee Membership
- Gen-AI 2024, Lisbon, July 2024
- PhAI 2023, Erlangen, December 2023
Hypothesis in science. On the 550th anniversary of the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus, Toruń, October 2022
EENPS 2022, Tartu, August 2022
- Logic4Peace, University of Amsterdam, April 2022
- EENPS 2020, Belgrad, June 2020
- INPP 2019, 21th Annual Conference of the International Network for Philosophy and Psychiatry ‘Experts in Mental Health’, 22-24 October 2019, Warsaw.
- Challenges for Science in the 21st Century, CRIFST, Iasi, June 2019
- III Konferencja Filozofii Nauki i Metod Formalnych w Filozofii (KFNiMFF), 13-14th December 2018, Warsaw
- XII Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Kognitywistycznego, September, 19th to 21st, Kraków
- EEPNS 2018, Bratislava, June 2018
- IACAP 2018, Warsaw, June 2018
- CCSC 2018 – Cracow Cognitive Science Conference, May 2018
- PT-AI 2017, Leeds, November 2017
- EPSA 2017, Exeter, September 2017
- XI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Kognitywistycznego, September, 22nd to 24th, Białystok
- Minds, Selves and 21st Century Technology in Lisbon, 23rd & 24th of June, 2016, Lisbon
- East European Network for the Philosophy of Science EENPS 2016, 24-26 June, 2016, Sofia
- Situating Cognition: Affect, Agency, and Extension. 2nd International Conference in Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies, October 15-18, 2015, Warsaw
- European Conference on Social Intelligence ECSI 2014, November 3-5, Barcelona
- Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence 2013, 21 & 22 September, Oxford
- Kazimierz Naturalist Workshop, 2006-2016 (ten annual meetings), Kazimierz Dolny, Poland
Membership in Professional Societies
- Cognitive Science Society
- European Society for the Philosophy of Science
- International Society for Biosemiotic Studies
- Polskie Towarzystwo Logiki i Filozofii Nauki (Polish Association for Logic and Philosophy of Science)
- Ośrodek Badań Filozoficznych (Center for Philosophical Research)
Offices and Committees
- Chair of the Section of Logic & Cognitive Science, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences (2020-)
- Członek Kolegium Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii PAN (2017-)
- Członek Rady Fundacji Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii PAN (2024-)
- Zastępca Prezes Fundacji Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii PAN (2020-2024)
- Prezes Fundacji Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii PAN (2016-2020)
- Komitet Nauk Filozoficznych przy prezydium PAN, wiceprzewodniczący (2020-2023), członek (2024-)
- Komitet Nauk Filozoficznych przy prezydium PAN, ekspert (2016-2019)
- Komitet Nauk Filozoficznych przy prezydium PAN, ekspert (2013-2016)
- Polskie Towarzystwo Logiki i Filozofii Nauki, członek zarządu (2019-)
- Polskie Towarzystwo Logiki i Filozofii Nauki, członek komisji rewizyjnej (2016-2019)
- Polskie Towarzystwo Logiki i Filozofii Nauki, sekretarz (2009-2012, 2012-2015)
- Ośrodek Badań Filozoficznych, dyrektor finansowy (2006-2011)
Ph.D. Advisor
- (co-advisor with Tobias Schlicht) Alfredo Vernazzani, The problem of psychoneutral isomorphism between conscious visual perceptions and its underlying neural correlates, summa cum laude, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2018
- Witold Wachowski (supporting supervisor: Marek Pokropski), Interakcje w rozproszonych systemach poznawczych a indywidualizm metodologiczny, University of Warsaw, 2020
Current Ph.D. Students
- Anna Jędraszkiewicz, University of Warsaw (co-advisor with Bogdan Zawadzki)
- Jakub R. Matyja, Graduate School for Social Research, Warsaw
- Wojciech Mamak, Graduate School for Social Research, Warsaw
- Szymon Miłkoś, Graduate School for Social Research, Warsaw
- Wiktor Lachowski, Graduate School for Social Research, Warsaw
- Daniel Piecka, Graduate School for Social Research, Warsaw
- Marcin Rabiza, Graduate School for Social Research, Warsaw
- Wiktor Rorot, University of Warsaw
- Natalia Zakrzewska, Graduate School for Social Research, Warsaw
Ph.D. Referee
- Przemysław Nowakowski, Przestrzeń ciała jako podstawa ucieleśnienia poznania. W poszukiwaniu kognitywnej koncepcji przestrzeni ciała, supervisor: Urszula Żegleń, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, 2014
- Adam Fedyniuk, Strukturalność modularnych systemów reprezentacji wiedzy, supervisor: Urszula Żegleń, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, 2016
- Jacek Jarocki, Świadomość, jaźń, wolna wola. Metafizyka Galena Strawsona, supervisors: Piotr Gutowski & Marcin Iwanicki, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2019
- Paweł Łoś, Spór adaptacjonizmu z antyadaptacjonizmem o religię na gruncie filozofii neodarwinizmu, supervisor: Paweł Okołowski, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2019
- Luke Kersten, Wide Computation: A Mechanist Account, supervisors: Mark Sprevak and Dave Ward, University of Edinburgh (external examiner), 2020
- Marcin Cichosz, Zintegrowany model złożonych działań intencjonalnych, supervisor: Andrzej Klawiter, Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza, 2022
- Bartosz Maćkiewicz, W poszukiwaniu źródeł intuicji filozoficznych – nowe metody w filozofii eksperymentalnej, supervisor: Katarzyna Paprzycka-Hausman, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2022
- Bartłomiej Nawara, Filozoficzne interpretacje badań opartych na big data, supervisors: Grzegorz J. Nalepa & Paweł Zięba, Uniwersytet Jagielloński 2023
Habilitation / Tenure Referee
- Tomasz Stępień, Heuristics of Technosciences. Philosophical Framing in the Case of Nanotechnology (Peter Lang 2016), Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
- Marek Suwara, Wybrane problemy filozofii informacji (Libron 2017), Jagiellonian University
- Maciej Musiał, Enchanting Robots (Palgrave Macmillan 2019), Adam Mickiewicz University
- Michał Piekarski, Mechanizmy predykcyjne i ich normatywność (Liberi Libri 2020), Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University
- Marcin Trybulec, Zrozumieć artefakty poznawcze, 2022, UMCS
Courses Taught
- Logic, Warsaw International Studies in Psychology, obligatory seminar, University of Warsaw (2008-)
- Chalmers and His Critics, (Philosophy of Being, Cognition, and Value at University of Warsaw), seminar, 2010
- Explaining the Computational Mind, (Philosophy of Being, Cognition, and Value at University of Warsaw), lecture, 2011
- Wstęp do kognitywistyki, Kognitywistyka, obligatory lecture, University of Warsaw (2013-)
- Filozofia umysłu I, Kognitywistyka, obligatory lecture, University of Warsaw (2014-)
- Filozofia umysłu II, Kognitywistyka, elective lecture, University of Warsaw (2015-)
- Czy umysł jest komputerem?, Copernicus College, kurs online
- Advanced Topics in Cognitive Science (co-taught with Maciej Haman), University of Warsaw (2019-)
- Associate Editor: European Journal for the Philosophy of Science (2017-)
- Editor: Paladyn. Journal of Robotics, Intelligent Agents, and Artificial Intelligence (2010-)
- Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki (2011-2018)
- Member of the Editorial Board: Avant (2010-), Kognitywistyka i Media w Edukacji (2017-), Philosophies (2021-2023), Philosophical Alternatives (2017-), Science and Engineering Ethics (2021-), Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce (2018-), Journal of Neurophilosophy (2022-)
- International journals: Synthese, Cognitive Science, Philosophical Psychology, Biology & Philosophy, Minds & Machines, Philosophical Papers, Journal of Philosophy, Philosophies, Big Data and Society, Journal of Language Modelling, Journal of Philosophy, New Ideas in Psychology, Avant, Adaptive Behavior, Psychology of Language and Communication, Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and Humanities, Frontiers in Psychology, Theoria, Journal of Cognitive Science, Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, AI & Society, Philosophy & Technology, Journal of Philosophical Research, Entropy, European Journal for the Philosophy of Science, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Biosemiotics, Organon F, Philosophical Explorations, TopiCS in Cognitive Science, Mind & Language, Consciousness & Cognition, Grazer Philosophische Studien, Social Epistemology, Healthcare, Philosophy of Science, Foundations of Science
- Polish journals: Roczniki Filozoficzne KUL, Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy, Studia Metodologiczne, Filozofia Nauki, Przegląd Filozoficzny, Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki, Etyka, Hybris, Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Analiza i Egzystencja, Edukacja Filozoficzna
- Reviewer for grant agencies, including ERC, ISF (Israel), NWO, NIAS (Netherlands), COST (EU), HERA JSP (EU), NCN, NAWA and NPRH (Poland). Internal reviewer for HS1 board at NCN (2015, 2016, 2018, 2019) and for NPRH (2017).
- External Assessor for Academic Promotion: University of Edinburgh, The Technion (Israel Institute of Technology), University of Warsaw
- Advisory committees: Ministry Committee for Evaluation of Scientific Journals in Philosophy (panel member, 2019); Ministry Committee for Fellowships for Outstanding Young Scientists (panel member, 2019, 2020)
- Book proposals and manuscripts: Cambridge University Press, MIT Press, Oxford University Press, Springer Nature, Routledge (Psychology Press), Fundacja na Rzecz Nauki Polskiej, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego