Jan Harloff-Puhr
After picking up Judo as a child, I switched to Karate (Wado-ryu) as a teenager. During my university studies, I tried out several Asian and European martial arts within the collegiate sports, among others Aikido, Archery, Kendo and Western Boxing.
I discovered my preference for traditional weapons arts and practiced Arnis/Escrima and Iaido for a while. In the end I became infatuated with Taijiquan (Yang style, with a focus on weapons, particularly sword and walking stick) and the historical European martial arts (particularly sword and rapier).
My most important teachers in the chinese martial arts have been Kong Shenfang (Kong Taiji & Qigong Institute, Berlin, Germany) and Dietmar Jarosch (Tai Chi Forum, Berlin, Germany), regarding the historical European martial arts Thomas Schubert (Missing Link, Berlin, Germany) and Dietmar Eisel (Ritterschaft zu Spréland, Berlin, Germany).
Currently, I am training Taijiquan (Yang style according to Cheng Man-ch'ing) with Marc Mazalairas (Taiji School, Berlin, Germany: http://www.taiji-school.de) and the Italian Renaissance school of fencing with the rapier with Michael Camin (Collegiate Sports of the Free University, Berlin, Germany: http://www.hs-sport.fu-berlin.de).
Being a scientist by education and a librarian by trade, I developed a profound interest in Hoplology, the theoretical side and the history of the martial arts.
Berlin, Germany