Jason Puckett : Curriculum Vitae

Articles (peer-reviewed)

Anderson, J. E., & Puckett, J. (2014). Crossing disciplines, creating space: using drop-in research labs to support an interdisciplinary research-intensive capstone course. Practical Academic Librarianship: The International Journal of the SLA Academic Division, 4(1), 1–14. https://journals.tdl.org/pal/index.php/pal/article/view/6462
Puckett, J. (2010). Digital Rights Management as information access barrier. Progressive Librarian, 34–35, 11–24. http://digitalarchive.gsu.edu/univ_lib_facpub/50/
Puckett, J. (2008). Open-source software in museums. Library Student Journal. http://librarystudentjournal.org/index.php/lsj/article/viewArticle/94/186

Articles (non-peer-reviewed)

Puckett, J. (2018, May 15). Casting about: navigating discovery and advisory in a rapidly expanding podcast universe. Library Journal, 143(9), 16–19. http://eds.b.ebscohost.com/eds/command/detail?vid=14&sid=36eeaebd-ae99-4518-ab63-8aa9a7bf0aab%40sessionmgr103&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d%3d#AN=129461466&db=a9h
Puckett, J. (2018, October 16). Atlanta Libraries, Cosplay, and New Releases at Dragon Con 2018. The Library Journal. http://www.libraryjournal.com/?detailStory=181016-Dragon-Con
Puckett, J., & Michaelis, K. (2017). The Digital Public Library of America and Georgia Libraries: Opportunities for Involvement. Georgia Library Quarterly, 54(2). http://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/glq/vol54/iss2/8
Klose, S., & Puckett, J. (2017, November 15). Audio in stereo: audiobook listeners and podcast fans team up to drive the renaissance in spoken-word programming. Library Journal, 142(18), 28–32. http://reviews.libraryjournal.com/2017/11/media/audio/audio-in-stereo-audio-spotlight/
Puckett, J., & Leslie, S. (2016). Omeka [review]. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 104(4), 374–376. https://doi.org/10.3163/1536-5050.104.4.030
Puckett, J. (2016, May 15). Narrative Arc: Behind the scenes in an audio recording studio, many hands make a title speak with one voice. Library Journal, 141(9), 18–20. http://reviews.libraryjournal.com/2016/05/media/audio/narrative-arc-audio-spotlight
Puckett, J. (2016, May 16). The Art of Narrating: Marc Thompson & Cassandra Campbell. Library Journal. http://reviews.libraryjournal.com/2016/05/media/audio/the-art-of-narrating-marc-thompson-cassandra-campbell
Puckett, J. (2016, November 1). Listen & yearn: upcoming audiobooks that should excite librarians. Library Journal, 18, 38–40. http://reviews.libraryjournal.com/2016/10/media/audio/listen-yearn-audio-spotlight/
Puckett, J. (2015, April 7). Q&A: Amanda Palmer, author of The Art of Asking. Library Journal Reviews. http://reviews.libraryjournal.com/2015/04/media/qa-amanda-palmer-author-of-the-art-of-asking
Puckett, J. (2012). Open source software and librarian values. Georgia Library Quarterly, 49(3). http://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/glq/vol49/iss3/9
Puckett, J. (2010). My own private library. Georgia Library Quarterly, 47(1), 4–5.
Puckett, J. (2010). Superpower your browser with LibX and Zotero. College & Research Libraries News, 71(2), 70–97. http://crln.acrl.org/content/71/2/70.short
Puckett, J. (2008, June). Creating an instructional library podcast. Library Instruction Round Table News, 30(4), 3–8. http://fleetwood.baylor.edu/lirt/lirtnews/

Books and book sections

Puckett, J. (2018). Open source software and librarian values. In P. D. Fernandez & K. Tilton (Eds.), Applying Library Values to Emerging Technology: Decision-Making in the Age of Open Access, Maker Spaces, and the Ever-Changing Library (pp. 159–168). ACRL. https://scholarworks.gsu.edu/univ_lib_facpub/124/
Puckett, J. (2017). Zotero: a guide for librarians, researchers, and educators (2nd ed.). Amer Library Assn.
Warren, A. (2017). The Citizen’s Guide to Research: A Practical Guide to Understanding Research in the Era of Big Data (1 edition). Ashley Warren Research.
Puckett, J. (2015). Modern pathfinders: creating better research guides. Association of College and Research Libraries.
Bradley, P. (2013). How to use Web 2.0 in your library. Facet.
Puckett, J. (2011). Zotero: a guide for librarians, researchers, and educators (1st ed.). Association of College and Research Libraries.
Reed, L., & Signorelli, P. (2011). Workplace learning & leadership: a handbook for library and nonprofit trainers. American Library Association.
Engard, N. (2010). Practical open source software for libraries. Chandos Publishing.


Puckett, J. (n.d.). Game review: Lego Star Wars (No. June 2008). http://www.gamesinlibraries.org/?p=6
Puckett, J. (n.d.). Game review: Wii Fit (No. March 2009). http://www.gamesinlibraries.org/?p=66
Puckett, J. (n.d.). Gaming exhibit and instruction (No. July 2009). http://www.gamesinlibraries.org/?p=112
Puckett, J., Borchardt, R., & Van Scoyoc, A. (n.d.). Adventures in Library Instruction podcast. Retrieved October 24, 2010, from http://adlibinstruction.blogspot.com/
GSU Crossover. (2010, May 28). In Lost in the Stacks. https://www.facebook.com/LostIntheStacks

Presentations, invited

Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media. (n.d.). Ten Reasons Your Institution Should Adopt Zotero. http://www.zotero.org/static/download/adopt_zotero.pdf
Wikipedia. (2016). Comparison of reference management software. In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Comparison_of_reference_management_software&oldid=706344773
Association of College & Research Libraries. (2016, January 11). Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/ilframework
W3Schools. (2016, May). Browser Statistics. W3Schools. http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp
Emanuel, J. (2013). Users and citation management tools: use and support. Reference Services Review, 41(4), 639–659. https://doi.org/10.1108/RSR-02-2013-0007
Markey, K., Leeder, C., & Rieh, S. Y. (2012). Through a game darkly: student experiences with the technology of the library research process. Library Hi Tech, 30(1), 12–34. https://doi.org/10.1108/07378831211213193
Childress, D. (2011). Citation Tools in Academic Libraries: Best Practices for Reference and Instruction. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 51(2), 143–152.
Puckett, J. (2010). Superpower your browser with LibX and Zotero. College & Research Libraries News, 71(2), 70–97. http://crln.acrl.org/content/71/2/70.short
Williams, M. (2010, October 6). When an imploring librarian is not enough. New Jack Librarian. http://librarian.newjackalmanac.ca/2010/10/when-imploring-librarian-is-not-enough.html
Muldrow, J., & Yoder, S. (2009). Out of Cite! How Reference Managers Are Taking Research to the Next Level. PS: Political Science and Politics, 42(1), 167–172.
Greenhill, K. (2009, September 15). Zotero and saving Flickr images. Wowza! Librarians Matter. http://librariansmatter.com/blog/2009/09/15/zotero-and-saving-flickr-images-wowza
Educause. (2008). 7 Things You Should Know About Zotero. Educause. http://www.educause.edu/ELI/7ThingsYouShouldKnowAboutZoter/163217
Hull, D., Pettifer, S. R., & Kell, D. B. (2008). Defrosting the digital library: Bibliographic tools for the next generation web. PLoS Computational Biology, 4(10), e1000204. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000204
Morrison, J. L., & Owens, T. (2008). Next-Generation Bibliographic Manager: An Interview with Trevor Owens. Innovate: Journal of Online Education, 4(2). http://www.innovateonline.info/index.php?view=article&id=540
Rosenzweig, R. (2007). Historical Note-Taking in the Digital Age. OAH Newsletter, 35. http://www.oah.org/pubs/nl/2007aug/rosenzweig.html
Association of College and Research Libraries. (2000). Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. ACRL. http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/standards/informationliteracycompetency.cfm
Raymond, E. S. (1998). The Cathedral and the Bazaar: Release Early, Release Often. The Cathedral and the Bazaar. http://www.free-soft.org/literature/papers/esr/cathedral-bazaar/cathedral-bazaar-4.html

Presentations, other

Emergency Online Teaching: Practical Techniques for adapting library instruction during Covid-19. (n.d.). Retrieved June 22, 2020, from https://www.lyrasis.org/Content/Pages/Event-Details.aspx?Eid=CC0CF265-869F-EA11-80EB-00155DE5EC03
Essentials of Usability Design for Library Research Guides. (n.d.). Retrieved June 1, 2020, from https://www.lyrasis.org/Content/Pages/Event-Details.aspx?Eid=7E922301-2999-EA11-80EB-00155DE5EC03
Registration. (n.d.). Retrieved August 6, 2020, from https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/5385211548547911951
Teaching Online in Plain Language: Creating Clear Research Guides, Library Websites, and Online Instruction. (n.d.). Retrieved June 22, 2020, from https://www.lyrasis.org/Content/Pages/Event-Details.aspx?Eid=5DA86AD8-2A99-EA11-80EB-00155DE5EC03
Online Library Instruction: Best Practices for Live, Online Teaching. (2021, March 9). https://www.lyrasis.org/Content/Pages/Event-Details.aspx?Eid=21701FC2-AF14-EB11-80ED-00155DE5EC03
Teaching Online in Plain Language: Creating Clear Research Guides, Library Websites, and Online Instruction. (2020, July 8). https://www.lyrasis.org/Content/Pages/Event-Details.aspx?Eid=5DA86AD8-2A99-EA11-80EB-00155DE5EC03
Emergency Online Teaching: Practical Techniques for adapting library instruction during Covid-19. (2020, July 16). https://www.lyrasis.org/Content/Pages/Event-Details.aspx?Eid=CC0CF265-869F-EA11-80EB-00155DE5EC03
Doster-Greenleaf, K., & Puckett, J. (2019, October 10). Publishing professional works [Panel discussion]. Georgia Libraries Conference, Macon, GA.
Puckett, J., Thornton, E., Dowdy, J., & Wilson, M. (2019, October 11). Feeling Distant? Best Practices for Engaging Students (and Faculty) with Online Instruction [Panel discussion]. Georgia Libraries Conference, Macon, GA.
Essentials of Usability Design for library research guides | Tampa Bay Library Consortium. (2019, November 6). https://tblc.org/events/essentials-of-usability-design-for-library-research-guides/
Puckett, J. (2018, 19). Impostor syndrome in instruction librarians: impact and solutions [Webinar]. Association of College and Research Libraries, online.
Puckett, J. (2018, June 8). Every student is an online student [Keynote]. Atlanta Area Bibliographic Instruction Group (AABIG), Mercer University Atlanta. http://aabig.weebly.com/
Puckett, J. (2018, July 26). Introduction to Zotero for librarians [Webinar]. Tampa Bay Library Consortium, Online. https://tblc.org/events/introduction-to-zotero/
Cullen, M. A., Paul, S., Puckett, J., & Thornton, B. (2018, October). Can we chat?:  a panel discussion about virtual reference [Panel discussion]. Georgia Libraries Conference, Columbus, GA.
Puckett, J. (2018, October 18). Teaching online in plain language: creating clear research guides, library websites, and online instruction [Webinar]. Association of College and Research Libraries. http://www.ala.org/acrl/onlinelearning/plainlanguage
Puckett, J. (2017, September 19). Zotero: Using and Supporting the Bibliographic Power Tool | Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL). http://www.ala.org/acrl/onlinelearning/zotero
Puckett, J. (2016, February 22). Better Pathfinders: Making research guides more effective. Simmons College (online). http://slis.simmons.edu/ce/node/358
Puckett, J. (2016, March 9). Modern Pathfinders: Creating Better Research Guides. NCompass Live. http://nlc.nebraska.gov/scripts/calendar/eventshow.asp?ProgID=15117
Puckett, J. (2016, June 29). Teaching by design: making better research guides. Tennessee eCampus Library Summer Academy, Nashville. http://tbr.libguides.com/LibraryAcademy16/agenda
Puckett, J. (2016, July 20). Modern Pathfinders: easy techniques to make better research guides | Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL). http://www.ala.org/acrl/modernpathfinders
Puckett, J. (2015, September 22). Better Pathfinders: Creating effective research guides. Simmons College (online).
Puckett, J. (2015, December 1). Modern Pathfinders: Creating better research guides. ACRL (online).
Puckett, J. (2014, July 22). Teaching, Outreach, and Support with Zotero. SLA Transportation Division. http://transportation.sla.org/2014/06/25/zotero-webinar/
Puckett, J. (2013, February 27). Modern Pathfinders. Technologies & Trends webinar series. http://www.senylrc.org/blog/2013/01/04/technologies-trends-a-series-of-webinar-programs-on-a-wide-variety-of-library-related-topics-2/
Puckett, J. (2013, May 8). Zotero for libraries. http://www.ny3rs.org/educational-opportunities/event-registration/?action=evregister&event_id=7
Puckett, J. (2013, May 15). The Value of Free. SLA Georgia Chapter Spring Luncheon, Atlanta. http://georgia.sla.org/2013/04/jason-puckett-on-the-value-of-free-at-sla-georgia-chapter-spring-luncheon/
Puckett, J. (2013, May 16). Think like a user: techniques to improve your researchers’ LibGuides experience. SpringyCamp 2013. http://help.springshare.com/springycamp-spring13/Day1
Kruthhaup, K., & Puckett, J. (2012, June 13). At the Desk: A discussion of debatable issues related to best practices for reference services in libraries [Panel discussion]. LYRASIS Polite Debate Society. http://www.lyrasis.org/Classes%20and%20Events/Catalog/L/LYRASIS%20Polite%20Debate%20Society%20Live%20Online.aspx
Puckett, J. (2011, February 11). Keynote: The future is open. Web 2.You 2011, McGill University, Montreal. http://web2pointyou.pbworks.com
Puckett, J. (2011, March 1). Digital Rights Management (DRM): Information Roadblock for Library Users [Webcast]. Association of College and Research Libraries e-learning series. http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/events/elearning/courses/drm.cfm
Borchardt, R., Coleman, M., Puckett, J., & Van Scoyoc, A. (2011, March 23). Podcasting for professional development. Computers in Libraries, Washington, DC.
Puckett, J., & Steiner, S. (2011, September 12). Transforming Library Services: Models for Implementing Emerging Technologies. Lyrasis: Technology Ideas and Insights Series: Positioning your Library in the Mobile Ecosystem: Content and Delivery, Atlanta. http://www.lyrasis.org/Classes%20and%20Events/Ideas%20and%20Insights%20Series/Technology%20Ideas%20and%20Insights%20Series%20Atlanta%20GA.aspx
Puckett, J. (2011, October 6). Open Source Software and Librarian Values. Georgia Council of Media Organizations, Georgia Library Association Academic Papers session, Athens, GA.
Long, C., & Puckett, J. (2011, October 7). Working inside the box: innovative LibGuide tricks. Georgia Council of Media Organizations, Athens, GA. http://libguides.agnesscott.edu/insidethebox
Vaidhyanathan, S., Daniels, T., Millsap, G., Parham, L., & Puckett, J. (2011, November 9). Content, Access and the Role of Libraries in a Connected World (invited panel discussion). LYRASIS Annual Member Meeting, Atlanta. http://www.lyrasis.org/Classes-and-Events/LYRASIS-Annual-Member-Meeting.aspx
Puckett, J. (2010, March 23). Superpower your browser: Open source research tools [Webcast]. Association of College and Research Libraries e-learning series. http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/events/elearning/courses/superpower.cfm
Borchardt, R., & Puckett, J. (2010, April 14). From podcasts to blogs and beyond. Computers in Libraries, Crystal City, VA.
Puckett, J. (2010, October 14). Zotero: Using, teaching and supporting the open-source citation tool. Georgia Council of Media Organizations, Athens, GA. http://georgiacomo.org/
Puckett, J. (2010, November 17). Open source software in Georgia libraries [Webcast]. GLA Carterette Webinar Series. http://georgialibraries.org/events/wed-web-series/open-source-software-georgia-libraries-jason-puckett-archived-session
Puckett, J. (2009, June 2). Podcasting for libraries [Webcast]. Association of College and Research Libraries e-learning series.
Puckett, J., & Steiner, S. (2009, October 8). Finding Your Voice: Creative Ideas for Beginning a Pod- or Vidcast Series. Georgia Council of Media Organizations, Columbus, GA.
Puckett, J. (2008, July 12). Promoting Yourself With a Personal Website. Atlanta Emerging Librarians Group. http://jasonpuckett.net/2008/07/16/promoting-yourself-with-a-personal-website/
Borchardt, R., & Puckett, J. (2008, August 1). Creating an instructional podcast. GALILEO/GOLD. http://jasonpuckett.net/2008/08/04/instructional-podcasting-presentation/
Puckett, J. (2008, September 27). RSS, Blogs and Podcasting for Emerging Librarians. Atlanta Emerging Librarians group.

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