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Emmanuel Bozonnet : Curriculum Vitae

DATA et SOFT - dataset & logiciels

Machard, A., Salvati, A., P. Tootkaboni, M., Gaur, A., Zou, J., Wang, L., Baba, F., Ge, H., Bre, F., Bozonnet, E., Corrado, V., Luo, X., Levinson, R., Lee, S. H., Hong, T., Salles Olinger, M., Machado, R. M. e S., Guarda, E. L. A. da, Veiga, R. K., … Holzer, P. (2024). IEA EBC Annex 80 Weather data - 1A Guayaquil (Version 1.0). World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.
Martinez, S., Servant, L., & Bozonnet, E. (2023). EQLORE - La Rochelle urban weather stations [CSV].
Brangeon, B., Taurines, K., Jolas, C., & Bozonnet, E. (2022). RENOIR - Réhabilitation ÉNergétique Optimisée et IntégRée en logement collectif (Optimized and integrated energy rehabilitation in multi-family housing) [Windows, Linux, MacOS]. La Rochelle université - Tipee.
Djedjig, R., Belarbi, R., & Bozonnet, E. (2022). vegBat - TRNSYS type for vegetated façade or roof. La Rochelle université.
Doya, M., Allard, F., Djedjig, R., Belarbi, R., Ouldboukhitine, S.-E., & Bozonnet, E. (2022). ClimaBat - experimental scaled-down street canyons in real-life climatic conditions (Version 2022) [CSV].
Gros, A., Kyriakodis, G.-E., Bryk, A., Doya, M., & Bozonnet, E. (2021). EnviBatE - Coupled model for buildings and local microclimate (Version standalone) [Windows]. La Rochelle université.

ACL - Articles de Revues Internationales

Donthu, E. V. S. K. K., Kyriakodis, G.-E., Zhang, X., Long, Y. P., Wan, M. P., & Bozonnet, E. (2024). Simulation advances with EnviBatE- A case study on urban heat island mitigation in Singapore. Building and Environment, 258, 111580.
Machard, A., Salvati, A., P. Tootkaboni, M., Gaur, A., Zou, J., Wang, L. L., Baba, F., Ge, H., Bre, F., Bozonnet, E., Corrado, V., Luo, X., Levinson, R., Lee, S. H., Hong, T., Salles Olinger, M., Machado, R. M. e S., da Guarda, E. L. A., Veiga, R. K., … Holzer, P. (2024). Typical and extreme weather datasets for studying the resilience of buildings to climate change and heatwaves. Scientific Data, 11(1), 531.
M’Saouri El Bat, A., Romani, Z., Bozonnet, E., Draoui, A., & Allard, F. (2023). Optimizing urban courtyard form through the coupling of outdoor zonal approach and building energy modeling. Energy, 264, 126176.
Martinez, S., Machard, A., Pellegrino, A., Touili, K., Servant, L., & Bozonnet, E. (2021). A practical approach to the evaluation of local urban overheating– A coastal city case-study. Energy and Buildings, 253, 111522.
Miller, W., Machard, A., Bozonnet, E., Yoon, N., Qi, D., Zhang, C., Liu, A., Sengupta, A., Akander, J., Hayati, A., Cehlin, M., Kazanci, O. B., & Levinson, R. (2021). Conceptualising a resilient cooling system: A socio-technical approach. City and Environment Interactions, 11, 100065.
M’Saouri El Bat, A., Romani, Z., Bozonnet, E., & Draoui, A. (2021). Thermal impact of street canyon microclimate on building energy needs using TRNSYS: A case study of the city of Tangier in Morocco. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 24, 100834.
Zhang, C., Berk Kazanci, O., Levinson, R., Heiselberg, P., Olesen, B. W., Chiesa, G., Sodagar, B., Ai, Z., Selkowitz, S., Zinzi, M., Mahdavi, A., Teufl, H., Kolokotroni, M., Salvati, A., Bozonnet, E., Chtioui, F., Salagnac, P., Rahif, R., Attia, S., … Zhang, G. (2021). Resilient cooling strategies- a critical review and qualitative assessment. Energy and Buildings, 251, 111312.
Kaboré, M., Bozonnet, E., & Salagnac, P. (2020). Building and Urban Cooling Performance Indexes of Wetted and Green Roofs—A Case Study under Current and Future Climates. Energies, 13(23), 6192.
Manni, M., Bonamente, E., Lobaccaro, G., Goia, F., Nicolini, A., Bozonnet, E., & Rossi, F. (2020). Development and validation of a Monte Carlo-based numerical model for solar analyses in urban canyon configurations. Building and Environment, 170, 106638.
M’Saouri El Bat, A., Romani, Z., Bozonnet, E., & Draoui, A. (2020). Integration of a practical model to assess the local urban interactions in building energy simulation with a street canyon. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 13(6), 720–739.
Bozonnet, E., Doya, M., & Inard, C. (2019). Propriétés radiatives des bâtiments pour le rafraîchissement passif. Radiative properties of buildings for passive cooling. In Techniques de l’ingénieur (Techniques de l’ingénieur).
Bozonnet, E., Jolas, C., & Le Dréau, J. (2018). BIM et conception intégrée - Interopérabilité et optimisation de la performance environnementale. BIM and integrated design - Interoperability and environmental performance optimization. In Techniques de l’ingénieur.
Kaboré, M., Bozonnet, E., Salagnac, P., & Abadie, M. (2018). Indexes for passive building design in urban context – indoor and outdoor cooling potentials. Energy and Buildings, 173, 315–325.
Lapisa, R., Bozonnet, E., Salagnac, P., & Abadie, M. O. (2018). Optimized design of low-rise commercial buildings under various climates – Energy performance and passive cooling strategies. Building and Environment, 132, 83–95.
Djedjig, R., Belarbi, R., & Bozonnet, E. (2017). Experimental study of green walls impacts on buildings in summer and winter under an oceanic climate. Energy and Buildings, 150, 403–411.
Chardon, S., Brangeon, B., Bozonnet, E., & Inard, C. (2016). Construction cost and energy performance of single family houses: From integrated design to automated optimization. Automation in Construction, 70, 1–13.
Djedjig, R., Bozonnet, E., & Belarbi, R. (2016). Modeling green wall interactions with street canyons for building energy simulation in urban context. Urban Climate, 16, 75–85.
Gros, A., Bozonnet, E., Inard, C., & Musy, M. (2016). Simulation tools to assess microclimate and building energy – A case study on the design of a new district. Energy and Buildings, 114, 112–122.
Bozonnet, E., Musy, M., Calmet, I., & Rodriguez, F. (2015). Modeling methods to assess urban fluxes and heat island mitigation measures from street to city scale. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 10(1), 62–77.
Dhalluin, A., & Bozonnet, E. (2015). Urban heat islands and sensitive building design – a study in some French cities’ context. Sustainable Cities and Society, 19, 292–299.
Djedjig, R., Bozonnet, E., & Belarbi, R. (2015). Analysis of thermal effects of vegetated envelopes: Integration of a validated model in a building energy simulation program. Energy and Buildings, 86, 93–103.
Djedjig, R., Bozonnet, E., & Belarbi, R. (2015). Experimental study of the urban microclimate mitigation potential of green roofs and green walls in street canyons. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 10(1), 34–44.
Gros, A., Bozonnet, E., & Inard, C. (2014). Cool materials impact at district scale - Coupling building energy and microclimate models. Sustainable Cities and Society, 13, 254–266.
Lapisa, R., Bozonnet, E., Abadie, M. O., & Salagnac, P. (2013). Cool roof and ventilation efficiency as passive cooling strategies for commercial low-rise buildings – ground thermal inertia impact. Advances in Building Energy Research, 7(2), 192–208.
Djedjig, R., Ouldboukhitine, S.-E., Belarbi, R., & Bozonnet, E. (2012). Development and validation of a coupled heat and mass transfer model for green roofs. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 39(6), 752–761.
Doya, M., Bozonnet, E., & Allard, F. (2012). Experimental measurement of cool facades’ performance in a dense urban environment. Energy and Buildings, 55, 42–50.
Jaffal, I., Inard, C., & Bozonnet, E. (2012). Toward integrated building design: A parametric method for evaluating heating demand. Applied Thermal Engineering, 40, 267–274.
Bozonnet, E., Doya, M., & Allard, F. (2011). Cool roofs impact on building thermal response: A French case study. Energy and Buildings, 43(11), 3006–3012.
Gros, A., Bozonnet, E., & Inard, C. (2011). Modelling the Radiative Exchanges in Urban Areas: A Review. Advances in Building Energy Research, 5(1), 163–206.
Bozonnet, E., Belarbi, R., & Allard, F. (2007). Thermal Behaviour of buildings: modelling the impact of urban heat island. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 14(Sup.), 19–22.
Bozonnet, E., Belarbi, R., & Allard, F. (2005). Modelling solar effects on the heat and mass transfer in a street canyon, a simplified approach. Solar Energy, 79(1), 10–24.

OS - Chapitre d'ouvrage

Brangeon, B., & Bozonnet, E. (2016). Mise en oeuvre de la simulation - Géométrie, liens avec la maquette numérique. In B. Peuportier (Ed.), Énergétique des bâtiments et simulation thermique (Eyrolles, pp. 256–270).
Musy, M., & Bozonnet, E. (2016). Mise en oeuvre de la simulation - Microclimat et environnement proche. In B. Peuportier (Ed.), Énergétique des bâtiments et simulation thermique (Eyrolles, pp. 240–256).
Salagnac, P., Lapisa, R., Abadie, M. O., & Bozonnet, E. (2016). Nouvelles utilisations de la simulation - Bâtiment industriel et tertiaire. In B. Peuportier (Ed.), Énergétique des bâtiments et simulation thermique (Eyrolles, pp. 415–424).
Bozonnet, E., Belarbi, R., Djedjig, R., Gros, A., Malys, L., Inard, C., & Musy, M. (2014). Impacts sur la consommation énergétique et le confort dans les bâtiments. In M. Musy (Ed.), Une ville verte-Les rôles du végétal en ville (pp. 67–84). Quae éditions.
Musy, M., & Bozonnet, E. (2013). Micro-climats et interactions avec le bâtiment. In B. Peuportier (Ed.), Livre blanc sur les recherches en énergétique des bâtiments (p. 39). Presses des MINES.
Zinzi, M., & Bozonnet, E. (2013). Cool Roofs’ Case Studies. In D. Kolokotsa, M. Santamouris, & H. Akbari (Eds.), Advances in the Development of Cool Materials for the Built Environment (Bentham Science Publishers, pp. 333–381).
Bozonnet, E., Allard, F., Chazelas, M., Guarracino, G., & Musy, M. (2008). Du bâtiment à la ville, du microclimat à la demande énergétique. In J. Fol (Ed.), Futur de l’habitat (pp. 139–154). Jean-Michel Place / PUCA.

ACLN et ASCL - Autres Revues

Demarchi, A., Favreau, C., & Bozonnet, E. (2024, juin). Diamètre des réseaux hydrauliques de chauffage dans les bâtiments et pertes de charges, quels critères optimums ? CVC La Revue Des Climaticiens, 924, 16–18.
M’Saouri El Bat, A., Romani, Z., Bozonnet, E., & Draoui, A. (2021). Thermal impact of street canyon microclimate on the energy performance of courtyard under Mediterranean climate. REHVA Journal, 58(1), 10–16.
Bozonnet, E. (2018, juil). Des techniques passives de bâtiments pour rafraîchir les quartiers. Construction21.Org.
Kabore, M., Salagnac, P., Bozonnet, E., Abadie, M., & Perrin, R. (2018). Rafraîchissement d’un bâtiment commercial et de son environnement. Revue Générale Du Froid & Du Conditionnement d’air, 15–21.
Bozonnet, E., Djedjig, R., & Belarbi, R. (2014, mai-juin). Apports de la végétalisation à l’échelle des bâtiments et des quartiers : aspects thermiques. Jardins de France, 629, 15–17.
Bozonnet, E., & Allard, F. (2006). The Implementation of the Energy Performance Directive Throughout Europe - A review of the vocational training need for the EPBD throghout Europe. Rehva Journal, 6–11.
Bozonnet, E., Belarbi, R., & Allard, F. (2006). Etude de la demande energétique de climatisation pour une construction urbaine de type mediterranéenne. Tecnologia y Construccion, 22(3), 27–34.

INV - Conférences invité

Bozonnet, E. (2024, juin). Matériaux sélectifs froids pour les bâtiments et les quartiers. 32ème congrès français de thermique - thermique et architecture, Strasbourg, France.
Bozonnet, E., & Bastidas-Arteaga, E. (2023, et 8 juin). Évolutions des normes de conception dans un contexte de changement climatique. 12èmes Journées de Fiabilité des Matériaux et des Structures, La Rochelle, France.
Machard, A., & Bozonnet, E. (2022, décembre). Séquences climatiques pour l’évaluation de la résilience urbaine ou future des stratégies de rafraîchissement. Données climatiques pour le bâtiment - journée thématique SFT, Paris (France).
Bozonnet, E. (2018, July 12). Assessment of Urban Heat Island mitigation strategies at local building and street scale. Advances in Urban Mitigation Technologies - International Conference and Workshop, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy.
Bozonnet, E. (2016, November 23). Refroidir la ville, des solutions contre les ilots de chaleur. Build and Connect, Strasbourg, France.
Bozonnet, E. (2011, November 29). Cool Roofs - Rafraichissement des bâtiments et des ambiances urbaines [Conférence invité]. Solar Meetings, Chambéry - France.

ACTI - Articles de Conférences Internationales

Breteau, A., Salagnac, P., Caous, J.-M., & Bozonnet, E. (2024). Direct adiabatic cooling systems – Resilience to climate change for industrial building applications in a Mediterranean climate. Retrofitting the Building Stock: Challenges and Opportunities for Indoor Environmental Quality, 256–265.
M’Saouri El Bat, A., Romani, Z., Bozonnet, E., Draoui, A., Rodler, A., Guernouti, S., & Musy, M. (2024). Sensitivity Analysis of the Energy Needs of a Building Located in an Urban Canyon Under Mediterranean Climate. In F. Ali-Toudert, A. Draoui, K. Halouani, M. Hasnaoui, A. Jemni, & L. Tadrist (Eds.), Advances in Thermal Science and Energy (pp. 516–525). Springer Nature Switzerland.
Bryk, A., Bozonnet, E., Riederer, P., & Kyriakodis, G.-E. (2023). Evaluation of a microclimate simulation tool on an experimental mock-up and passive cooling strategies assessment. 6th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands, 1027–1036.
Kyriakodis, G.-E., Schiavoni, M., Riederer, P., Bozonnet, E., Anne, P., & Xavier, C. (2023). Impact of retro-reflective windowpanes on building energy demand and pedestrian thermal comfort under various neighborhood settlements. In P. Rajagopalan, V. Soebarto, & H. Akbari (Eds.), 6th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands (IC2UHI) (pp. 1097–1106). RMIT University.
Breteau, A., Salagnac, P., Bozonnet, E., Carage, M., & Caous, J.-M. (2022). Evaluation des performances énergétiques d’un système de rafraîchissement adiabatique intégré au sein d’un bâtiment industriel. Ville et Transition Face Aux Défis Climatiques et Énergétiques, 164–169.
Machard, A., Bozonnet, E., Salvati, A., Pourabdollahtootkaboni, M., & Gaur, A. (2022, July 6). Fichiers météorologiques de vagues de chaleur futures pour évaluer la résilience thermique des bâtiments au changement climatique. AIC. 35ème colloque annuel de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie, Toulouse (France).
Kyriakodis, G.-E., Bozonnet, E., & Riederer, P. (2021). An integrated approach to quantify the potential local climate mitigation of a district energy network compared to individual air conditioning systems. Proceedings of Building Simulation 2021, 17, 768–775.
Machard, A., Martinez, S., Bozonnet, E., Lacedra, E., & Inard, C. (2020). How to assess ecodistrict resilience to urban heat stress under future heatwaves? A case study for the city of Paris. ICRBE 2020 - INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Climate Resilient Built Environment, 11–24.
Kyriakodis, G.-E., Bozonnet, E., & Riederer, P. (2019, September). Quantifying the Impact of Urban Microclimate in Detailed Urban Building Energy Simulations. BS 2019.
M’Saouri El Bat, A., Romani, Z., Bozonnet, E., & Draoui, A. (2019, September). Impact Of Urban Microclimate On The Energy Performance Of Riad-type Buildings. BS 2019.
Vo, M. T., Bozonnet, E., & Pele, C. (2019, September). Adapted operating fault model for a heat pump life cycle’s simulation by Petri net approach. IBPSA 2019.
Kyriakodis, G.-E., Bozonnet, E., & Riederer, P. (2019, December). Minimizing the inconsistencies of urban building energy simulations through strong microclimate coupling. 5th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands (IC2UHI2019).
Kabore, M., Bozonnet, E., Salagnac, P., Abadie, M., & Perrin, R. (2017). Cool roof and natural ventilation for UHI mitigation and indoor comfort – cooling indicators for a commercial building. In L. Brotas, S. Roaf, & F. Nicol (Eds.), Design to Thrive (Vol. 2, pp. 1749–1756).
Kyriakodis, G.-E., Doya, M., Bozonnet, E., & Riederer, P. (2017). Eco-district design and decision process through building energy and local microclimate assessment. In L. Brotas, S. Roaf, & F. Nicol (Eds.), Design to Thrive (Vol. 2, pp. 1781–1788).
Bozonnet, E., Lapisa, R., Salagnac, P., & Abadie, M. (2016). Low-rise commercial buildings optimization – energy performance and passive cooling potential in France. Building Simulation & Optimization 2016, 108–114.
Brangeon, B., Bozonnet, E., & Inard, C. (2016). Integrated refurbishment of collective housing and optimization process with real products databases. Building Simulation & Optimization 2016, 531–538.
Djedjig, R., Belarbi, R., & Bozonnet, E. (2016). Green wall impacts inside and outside buildings: experimental study. Energy Procedia, 139, 578–583.
Gros, A., Bozonnet, E., Inard, C., & Musy, M. (2016). A New Performance Indicator to Assess Building and District Cooling Strategies. Procedia Engineering, 169, 117–124.
Chardon, S., Brangeon, B., Bozonnet, E., Inard, C., & Montecot, R. (2015). A multi objective design tool for the french detached house market: cost and energy performance optimization. 14th International Building Simulation Conference, 2073–2079.
Gros, A., Bozonnet, E., Inard, C., Musy, M., & Calmet, I. (2015, July 20). Assessment of urban cooling strategies impact using a coupled model for urban microclimate and building energy simulation. ICUC9 - 9th International Conference on Urban Climate, Toulouse (France).
Chardon, S., Bozonnet, E., Montecot, R., & Inard, C. (2014). A new tool for designing cost effective low energy houses in France. In L. Malki-Epsthein, C. Spataru, L. Marjanovic- Halburd, & D. Mumovic (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2014 Building Simulation and Optimization Conference.
Dhalluin, A., & Bozonnet, E. (2014). How UHI is taken into account in the location and the design of public buildings for sensitive people to rising temperature. In A. Muscio (Ed.), Proceedings of the third international conference on countermeasures to urban heat island (pp. 876–887).
Djedjig, R., Bozonnet, E., & Belarbi, R. (2014). A hygrothermal model of green walls interactions in street canyons – numerical development and experimental comparison. In A. Muscio (Ed.), Proceedings of the third international conference on countermeasures to urban heat island (pp. 1540–1551).
Gros, A., Bozonnet, E., Inard, C., & Musy, M. (2014). Case study of a new district design through a coupled model for urban microclimate and building energy simulation. In A. Muscio (Ed.), Proceedings of the third international conference on countermeasures to urban heat island (pp. 1552–1563).
Lapisa, R., Abadie, M. O., Bozonnet, E., & Salagnac, P. (2014). Numerical analysis of the thermal stratification modelling effect on comfort for the case of a commercial low-rise building. Proceedings of Indoor Air 2014, 4, 310–317. Scopus.
Musy, M., Malys, L., Morille, B., Szucs, A., Inard, C., Bozonnet, E., Djedjig, R., Belarbi, R., Lemonsu, A., de Munck, C., & Chancibault, K. (2014). Impact of vegetation on urban climate, thermal comfort and building energy consumption – Overview of VegDUD project results. In A. Muscio (Ed.), Proceedings of the third international conference on countermeasures to urban heat island (pp. 719–730).
Djedjig, R., Belarbi, R., & Bozonnet, E. (2013). Experimental Study of a Green Wall System Effects in Urban Canyon Scene. 11th REHVA World Congress & 8th International Conference on IAQVEC, 3086–3094.
Djedjig, R., Bozonnet, E., & Belarbi, R. (2013). Integration of a green envelope model in a transient building simulation program and experimental comparison. Building Simulation for a Sustainable World, 49–55.
Gros, A., Alexaki, P., Bozonnet, E., & Inard, C. (2013). Influence of cool materials on building energy demand at district scale. Energy Conservation Technologies for Mitigation and Adaptation in the Built Environment: The Role of Ventilation Strategies and Smart Materials, 1050–1060.
Lapisa, R., Bozonnet, E., Abadie, M., & Salagnac, P. (2013). Effect of ground thermal inertia on the energy balance of commercial low-rise buildings. Building Simulation for a Sustainable World, 2068–3825.
Lapisa, R., Bozonnet, E., Abadie, M., Salagnac, P., & Perrin, R. (2013). Design impacts of cool roof coating, ventilation and thermal inertia on commercial low-rise building energy demand and summer comfort. Energy Conservation Technologies for Mitigation and Adaptation in the Built Environment: The Role of Ventilation Strategies and Smart Materials, 1061–1070.
Synnefa, A., Pantazaras, A., Santamouris, M., Bozonnet, E., Doya, M., Zinzi, M., Muscio, A., Libbra, A., Ferrari, C., Coccia, V., Rossi, F., & Kolokotsa, D. (2013, September 25). Interlaboratory comparison of cool roofing material measurement methods. Energy Conservation Technologies for Mitigation and Adaptation in the Built Environment: The Role of Ventilation Strategies and Smart Materials. Joint Conference 34th AIVC - 3rd TightVent - 2nd Cool Roofs - 1st Venticool, Athens, Greece.
Gros, A., Bozonnet, E., & Inard, C. (2012, August 10). Modelling the building energy demand at district scale. 8th International Conference on Urban Climate - ICUC8, Dublin, Ireland.
Trabelsi, A., Bozonnet, E., Salagnac, P., Belarbi, R., & Perrin, R. (2011, September 28). Roof design and skylights effects on the energy performance and comfort of low energy industrial buildings. ISES Solar world congress 2011, Kassel, Germany.
Doya, M., Bozonnet, E., Allard, F., & Martin, O. (2010, May 9). Comparison of Building Energy Models Prognostics for Cool Façades’ Performance in a Dense Urban Environment. CLIMA 2010.
Zinzi, M., Bozonnet, E., Kolokotroni, M., Kolokotsa, D., Santamouris, M., & Synnefa, A. (2010, October 28). Technical advances in the EU-Cool Roof project. EuroSun 2010, Graz, Austria.
Bozonnet, E., & Doya, M. (2010, October 29). Cool roofs impact on building thermal response - a  French case study. Cooling the Cities - The Absolute Priority. PALENC 2010, Passive and Low Energy Cooling for the Built Environment, Rhodes Island, Greece.
Doya, M., Bozonnet, E., & Allard, F. (2010, October 29). Benefits of cool facades in dense urban environment. Cooling the Cities - The Absolute Priority. PALENC 2010, Passive and Low Energy Cooling for the Built Environment, Rhodes Island, Greece.
Denes, T., Bozonnet, E., & Calmet, I. (2009). Modeling the global warming effect on indoor temperature peaks and cooling systems consumption. BUILDING SIMULATION 2009, 117.
Doya, M., Bozonnet, E., & Allard, F. (2009). Investigating changes in façades’ energy balance according to coating optical properties. BUILDING SIMULATION 2009, 1753–1760.
Doya, M., Bozonnet, E., & Allard, F. (2007). Theorical evaluation of energy performance achieved by cool paints for dense urban environment. In C. M. Joppolo (Ed.), Proceedings of CLIMAMED 2007 - Energy, Climate and Indoor Comfort in Mediterranean Countries (pp. 365–380).
Bozonnet, E., Belarbi, R., & Allard, F. (2006). Modelling air flows around buildings in urban environment. International Workshop on Energy Performance and Environmental Quality of Buildings, 15.
Bozonnet, E., Belarbi, R., & Allard, F. (2006). Study of air conditioning energy demand for a Mediterranean urban construction - étude de la demande énergétique de climatisation pour une construction urbaine de type méditerranéenne. Proceedings of 3rd Mediterranean Congress of HVAC Engineering - Sustainable Conditioning of Indoor Spaces, 247–255.
Katsamaki, A., Kolokotsa, D., Saridakis, G., Geros, V., Santamouris, M., Bozonnet, E., Allard, F., Seppanen, O., Zografakis, N., Stephanou, C., Prenner, M., Bluemel, M., Bassi, R., Kaloyanov, N., & Radulov, L. (2006). An interactive vocational training tool for the energy performance buildings directive. Technologies & Sustainable Policies for a Radical Decrease of the Energy Consumption in Buildings, 20–22.
Bozonnet, E., Belarbi, R., & Allard, F. (2005, avril). Modelling solar effects on the heat and mass transfer in a street canyon, a simplified approach. Réhabilitation Des Constructions et Développement Durable.
Wurtz, E., Deque, F., Mora, L., Bozonnet, E., & Trompezinsky, S. (2003). Sim_zonal: a software to evaluate the risk of discomfort: coupling with an energy engine, comparison with cfd codes and experimental measurements. BUILDING SIMULATION 2003, 1423–1428.