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Zotero's sorting functions make it easy to quickly find items in your library and collections. If you prefer you can also watch the sorting screencast.

To sort items in a collection, click on any of the information categories at the top of the middle column. For example, if you click on “Title,” all your items will be sorted alphabetically by title. If you click on “Title” again, the order will be reversed. Similarly, if you click on “Creator,” your items will be sorted alphabetically by creator, and if you click “Creator,” again the order will be reversed.

To sort by other categories, you can click on the icon in the top right corner of your center column. You will then see the dropdown menu illustrated below. Check off any additional categories you would like to use for sorting. They will now appear in the center column and you can click on them to sort in just the same way you did with “Title” and “Creator”.

sorting.1236359379.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/03/06 12:09 by ahoward