Note on this bibliography's tagging system

Christof Schöch Aug 10, 2013 1:08:24 PM

This is just to point out that, in addition to several broad thematic collections, this bibliography uses a tagging system to categorize each item and make items more discoverable.

The tagging system follows the TaDiRAH taxonomy (Taxonomy of Digital Research Activities in the Humanities). It is built around three concepts: (1) a few very broad research "goals"; (2) a larger number of somewhat more specific research "activites"; and (3) an list of "objects" research activities can be applied to.

This ist to say the taxonomy assumes that each item in the bibliography can be categorized as describing some aspect of "a research activity being conducted on a research object", such as encoding sheet music, or about archiving a database, or about the stylistic analysis of a text, but also a bit more generally about advocating for Digital Humanities, etc.

We hope the tagging system is helpful and, whenever you feel like it is not, we would very much welcome your feedback.
