An example of why we need this bibliography

Charles Muller Apr 27, 2012 4:17:04 AM
Collaborators: In the course of a conversation with Pierce Salguero, the name of the Brill-published journal "Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity" came up. I went to their site, thinking to add some titles from old TOCs. But I found that I could not even access the *TOCs* unless I was a paying member! Since Brill is trying to be a major player in the bibliography arena, I can imagine the tactics that they might pursue to squeeze money out of scholars like us with their bibliographies. That's one good reason why we need to create an open bibliography as we are doing. Chuck
Peter Wyzlic Apr 27, 2012 7:59:56 AM

Have you checked URL:

It seems the table of contents of the books and journals on this site is freely available.

Peter Wyzlic

Charles Muller Apr 28, 2012 3:49:42 AM

Thank you Peter!

