Chun-Wei Tung : Curriculum Vitae


2001 - 2005, B.S., Department of Biology, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

2005 - 2006, Master student, Institute of Bioinformatics, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

2006 - present, Direct PhD student, Institute of Bioinformatics, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan



2008 - 2009, Visiting research, Wilhelm Schickard Institute for Computer Science, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany (Professor Oliver Kohlbacher)


2004 - 2005, Identification of microRNAs from Phalaenopsis equestris by bioinformatics, NSC College Student Research Project (NSC 93-2815-C-006 -084 -B).

Professional Certification and Awards

2004 - SUN Certified JAVA Programmer (SCJP 1.4)

2007 - The Research Excellence Award of National Chiao Tung University

2008 - The Research Excellence Award of National Chiao Tung University

2008 - The Scholarship of Sandwich Program for research visits to Germany (supported by DAAD of Germany and NSC of Taiwan)

Professional Service

Journal Papers

Hsu, Kai-Ti, Hui-Ling Huang, Chun-Wei Tung, Yi-Hsiung Chen, and Shinn-Ying Ho. Analysis of Physicochemical Properties on Prediction of R5, X4 and R5X4 HIV-1 Coreceptor Usage. Citeseer, 2009.
Huang, Wen-Lin, Chun-Wei Tung, Shih-Wen Ho, Shiow-Fen Hwang, and Shinn-Ying Ho. “ProLoc-GO: Utilizing Informative Gene Ontology Terms for Sequence-Based Prediction of Protein Subcellular Localization.” BMC Bioinformatics 9 (2008): 80.
Huang, Wen-Lin, Chun-Wei Tung, Hui-Ling Huang, and Shinn-Ying Ho. “Predicting Protein Subnuclear Localization Using GO-Amino-Acid Composition Features.” Bio Systems, July 4, 2009.
Huang, Wen-Lin, Chun-Wei Tung, Hui-Ling Huang, Shiow-Fen Hwang, and Shinn-Ying Ho. “ProLoc: Prediction of Protein Subnuclear Localization Using SVM with Automatic Selection from Physicochemical Composition Features.” Bio Systems 90, no. 2 (October 2007): 573–81.
Liaw, Chyn, Chun-Wei Tung, and Shinn-Ying Ho. “Prediction and Analysis of Antibody Amyloidogenesis from Sequences.” PLoS ONE 8, no. 1 (January 7, 2013): e53235.
Tsai, Wen-Chieh, Yu-Yun Hsiao, Shu-Hua Lee, Chun-Wei Tung, Dan-Ping Wang, Hei-Chia Wang, Wen-Huei Chen, and Hong-Hwa Chen. “Expression Analysis of the ESTs Derived from the Flower Buds of Phalaenopsis Equestris.” Plant Science 170, no. 3 (March 2006): 426–32. DOI: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2005.08.029.
Tung, Chun-Wei. “PupDB: A Database of Pupylated Proteins.” BMC Bioinformatics 13, no. 1 (March 16, 2012): 40.
Tung, Chun-Wei, and Shinn-Ying Ho. “Computational Identification of Ubiquitylation Sites from Protein Sequences.” BMC Bioinformatics 9 (2008): 310.
———. “POPI: Predicting Immunogenicity of MHC Class I Binding Peptides by Mining Informative Physicochemical Properties.” Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 23, no. 8 (April 15, 2007): 942–49.
Tung, Chun-Wei, Matthias Ziehm, Andreas Kämper, Oliver Kohlbacher, and Shinn-Ying Ho. “POPISK: T-Cell Reactivity Prediction Using Support Vector Machines and String Kernels.” BMC Bioinformatics 12, no. 1 (November 15, 2011): 446.

Conference Papers

“2007-Mining Physicochemical Properties for Predicting Immunogenicity of MHC Class II Binding Peptides.Pdf,” n.d.
“2010-ChloroRF.Pdf,” n.d.
“2010-PPDT.Pdf,” n.d.
Hsu, Kai-Ti, Hui-Ling Huang, Chun-Wei Tung, Yi-Hsiung Chen, and Shinn-Ying Ho. Analysis of Physicochemical Properties on Prediction of R5, X4 and R5X4 HIV-1 Coreceptor Usage. Citeseer, 2009.
Huang, W. L., C. W. Tung, S. W. Ho, and S. Y. Ho. “ProLoc-RGO: Using Rule-Based Knowledge with Gene Ontology Terms for Prediction of Protein Subnuclear Localization.” In IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2008. CIBCB’08, 201–6, 2008.
Huang, Wen-Lin, Chun-Wei Tung, and Shinn-Ying Ho. “Human Pol II Promoter Prediction by Using Nucleotide Property Composition Features.” In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biocomputing, 22, 2010.
