
I am a second-year Ph.D. student in Applied Linguistics at the University of Alberta. I have been teaching English as a foreign language since 2013. I am currently based in Edmonton, AB, and work as an EAP lecturer at the Faculty of Education and a Graduate Research Assistant at the Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (MLCS), collaborating with Prof. Jennifer Dailey-O'Cain and her research team on an SSHRC project titled 'Ideologies of English in the Linguistic Landscape'. I take a keen interest in conducting quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research with respect to issues in interactional sociolinguistics, linguistic landscape, linguistic anthropology, and multimodal discourse analysis (CDA).
My works draw on a range of disciplines, including sociology, political science, linguistics, cultural studies and education. Central to my research is an interest in understanding the complexities of human behavior, particularly as it relates to linguistic, social, and cultural factors. I am particularly interested in exploring issues related to language use and language attitudes, and how these impact social dynamics, identity formation, and education. My research is driven by a desire to uncover insights into the intricate relationships between language, culture, and society, with the ultimate goal of improving our understanding of the world we live in and the people who inhabit it.


Edmonton, AB



University of Alberta

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