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A big part of what has made Zotero such a successful tool is our vibrant user community. In that spirit we have collected a set of resources to make it easier for those who appreciate Zotero to spread the word. Whether by talking, blogging, presenting or otherwise discussing Zotero with other people, our users are our best promoters.

Review Zotero

You might consider reviewing us on your site or blog or on the Mozilla Add-ons page.


You can add a Zotero button to your blog or website by copying the HTML below the button you like and pasting it onto your page.

<a href=""> 
<img border="0" alt="Get Zotero" title="Get Zotero" 

<a href="">
<img border="0" alt="Get Zotero" title="Get Zotero" 


<a href="">
<img border="0" alt="Get Zotero" title="Get Zotero"


Tell the world how you feel about Zotero with Zotero apparel. You can find T-shirts and mugs at our Zazzle store and a baseball cap and messenger bag at our CafePress store. Customize the styles and make them your own.

Hat Shirt Bag Shirt

Handouts and Presentations

Zotero flyer: This one-page flyer details Zotero's major features. If you're a librarian, teacher, technology instructor, researcher, or scholar, feel free to print a stack out and make them available to students, faculty, friends, and colleagues.

Zotero handout: This is a PDF of the Quick Start Guide. It would be a useful handout to have available for individuals with limited web access, or as a take-home item from a class or tutorial involving Zotero.

Library Tutorial: This PDF tutorial, developed by librarians at the University of Michigan, explains how to install Zotero and demonstrates Zotero's basic features.

PowerPoint slide show: This is a brief PowerPoint presentation on Zotero. If you are giving a talk on Zotero, you're welcome to incorporate this presentation or a few slides from it in your demo.

Zotero Screencast

Here are .mov and .swf versions of the introductory Zotero screencast. You can also post the clip to your blog or send it to a friend through YouTube or Google Video.

promote_zotero.1205424131.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2008/03/13 12:02 by trevor