This is an old revision of the document!

This installation was tested on Ubuntu 11.04 with SVN revision 9803.

Before starting, here are the packages to setup on your machine (we suppose you have an apache server running and know how to make basic configuration changes to it):

  • PHP (php5)
  • PHP modules (php5-mysql, php5-svn, php5-memcache, php5-memcached)
  • Apache module: mod_rewrite
  • MySQL with root access (mysql-server, phpmyadmin)
  • Memcached (same as MongoDB but don't add “” in php.ini)
  • Ability to configure /etc/hosts
  • Subversion client

Now, we can begin.

Step 1

Download Zotero dataserver sources (here:
Use your subversion client to pull down the sources from Zotero's repository.
These files can be anywhere but this guide will assume they are located in /home/UTILISATEUR/dataserver ← NOTE: without the “trunk” - in other words, the “include” directory is at /home/UTILISATEUR/dataserver/include.
You can use the following command-line:

$ sudo svn co

Step 2

Set up an apache VirtualHost for the dataserver.
Use this code:

NameVirtualHost *:443
<VirtualHost *:443> 
	DocumentRoot /home/UTILISATEUR/dataserver/htdocs 
	SSLEngine on
	SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/server.crt
	SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/server.key 
	<Directory "home/UTILISATEUR/dataserver/htdocs">
		Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
		AllowOverride All
		Order allow,deny
		Allow from all
	AllowEncodedSlashes On  

Save this code as the file “default” in /etc/apache2/sites-available directory.

NOTE: don't forget to create SSL certificate and SSL key. Like this:

$ sudo mkdir /tmp/ssl_conf
$ cd /tmp/ssl_conf
$ sudo openssl req -config /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf -new -out server.csr
$ sudo openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -out server.key
$ sudo openssl x509 -in server.csr -out server.crt -req -signkey server.key -days 365
$ sudo openssl x509 -in server.crt -out server.der.crt -outform DER
$ sudo cp server.crt /etc/apache2/
$ sudo cp server.key /etc/apache2/
$ cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
$ sudo ln -s ../mods-available/ssl* .

Step 3

Add an /etc/hosts entry for and to the IP address of the server.
Command to edit /etc/hosts:

$ sudo pico /etc/hosts		

It should be like this (for example):		localhost

Make this for all the machines that will access to the server.

Step 4

Copy the sample config files under /include/config and remove “sample” from the filenames. Ex: “” becomes “”.
You'll need to edit these two files later (cf. Step 8).

Step 5

Change MySQL time zone. It must be UTC time.
So, edit my.cnf file in /etc/mysql/ directory.
Add the “default-time-zone” in [mysqld], like this:

default-time-zone = '+0:00'

Restart MySQL:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart

Step 6

Create zotero_cache database (using cache.sql in /misc/ directory).
Create zotero_www_test and zotero_www databases.
Create a users table for zotero_www_test and zotero_www (not for zotero_cache):

CREATE TABLE  `users` (
  `userID`             mediumint      UNSIGNED auto_increment                               NOT NULL,
  `username`           varchar(40)    CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci            NOT NULL,
  `slug`               varchar(40)    CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci                NULL,
  `password`           char(40)       CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin                   NOT NULL,
  `email`              varchar(100)   CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci            NOT NULL,
  `openid`             varchar(100)   CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci                NULL,
  `role`               enum('member','admin')  DEFAULT 'member'                             NOT NULL,
  `resetValidationKey` char(40)       CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin                       NULL,
  `resetValidationExp` int                                                                      NULL,
  `emailValidationKey` char(10)       CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin                       NULL,
  `emailValidated`     tinyint(1)     DEFAULT '0'                                           NOT NULL,
  `hasImage`           tinyint(1)     DEFAULT '0'                                           NOT NULL,
  `dateRegistered`     timestamp                                                            NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`userID`),
  UNIQUE KEY  (`username`),
  UNIQUE KEY  (`slug`),
  UNIQUE KEY  (`email`),
  UNIQUE KEY  (`resetValidationKey`)

Step 7

Give write access to the /tmp/ directory to apache.

Step 8

Edit, and files.

class Z_CONFIG {
	public static $API_ENABLED = true;
	public static $SYNC_ENABLED = true;
	public static $PROCESSORS_ENABLED = true;
	public static $MAINTENANCE_MESSAGE = 'Server updates in progress. Please try again in a few minutes.';

	public static $TESTING_SITE = true;
	public static $DEV_SITE = true;

	public static $BASE_URI = '';

	public static $AUTH_SALT = '';
	public static $API_SUPER_USERNAME = '';
	public static $API_SUPER_PASSWORD = '';

	public static $API_BASE_URI = '';
	public static $SYNC_DOMAIN = '';

	public static $S3_BUCKET = '';
	public static $S3_ACCESS_KEY = '';
	public static $S3_SECRET_KEY = '';

	public static $MEMCACHED_ENABLED = false;
	public static $MEMCACHED_SERVERS = array(
	'memcached1.localdomain:11211:2', 'memcached2.localdomain:11211:1'

	public static $MONGO_SERVERS = array(
		'localhost:27017', 'localhost:27017'
	public static $MONGO_DB = "zoterotest";
	public static $MONGO_SAFE_NUM = 2;

	public static $TRANSLATE_SERVERS = array(

	public static $CITE_SERVERS = array(
		"citeserver1.localdomain:8080", "citeserver2.localdomain:8080"

	public static $LOG_TO_SCRIBE = false;
	public static $LOG_ADDRESS = '';
	public static $LOG_PORT = 1463;
	public static $LOG_TIMEZONE = 'US/Eastern';
	public static $LOG_TARGET_DEFAULT = 'errors';

	public static $PROCESSOR_PORT_DOWNLOAD = 3455;
	public static $PROCESSOR_PORT_UPLOAD = 3456;
	public static $PROCESSOR_PORT_ERROR = 3457;
	public static $PROCESSOR_PORT_INDEX = 3458;

	public static $PROCESSOR_LOG_TARGET_DOWNLOAD = 'sync-processor-download';
	public static $PROCESSOR_LOG_TARGET_UPLOAD = 'sync-processor-upload';
	public static $PROCESSOR_LOG_TARGET_ERROR = 'sync-processor-error';
	public static $PROCESSOR_LOG_TARGET_INDEX = 'processor-index';

	public static $SYNC_DOWNLOAD_SMALLEST_FIRST = false;
	public static $SYNC_UPLOAD_SMALLEST_FIRST = false;

	// Set some things manually for running via command line
	public static $CLI_PHP_PATH = '/usr/bin/php';
	public static $CLI_DOCUMENT_ROOT = "/home/UTILISATEUR/dataserver/";

	public static $SYNC_ERROR_PATH = '/var/log/httpd/sync-errors/';
	public static $API_ERROR_PATH = '/var/log/httpd/api-errors/';
function Zotero_dbConnectAuth($db) {
	if ($db == 'master') {
		$host = 'localhost';
		$port = 3306;
		$db = 'zoterotest_master';
		$user = 'root';
		$pass = 'root_password';

	else if ($db == 'id1') {
		$host = 'localhost';
		$port = 3306;
		$db = 'zoterotest_ids';
		$user = 'root';
		$pass = 'root_password';

	else if ($db == 'id2') {
		$host = 'localhost';
		$port = 3306;
		$db = 'zoterotest_ids';
		$user = 'root';
		$pass = 'root_password';

	else if ($db == 'www1') {
		$host = 'localhost';
		$port = 3306;
		$db = 'zotero_www';
		$user = 'root';
		$pass = 'root_password';

	else if ($db == 'www2') {
		$host = 'localhost';
		$port = 3306;
		$db = 'zotero_www';
		$user = 'root';
		$pass = 'root_password';

	else if ($db == 'cache') {
		$host = 'localhost';
		$port = 3306;
		$db = 'zotero_cache';
		$user = 'root';
		$pass = 'root_password';

	else {
		throw new Exception("Invalid db '$db'");
	return array('host'=>$host, 'port'=>$port, 'db'=>$db, 'user'=>$user, 'pass'=>$pass);
  • (in /model/ directory):

Put the following lines in comment (or delete them):

if (!Zotero_Libraries::setTimestampLock($affectedLibraries, $timestamp)) {
	throw new Exception("Library timestamp already used", Z_ERROR_LIBRARY_TIMESTAMP_ALREADY_USED);

These are lines 1406 to 1408.

A solution to this has been suggested in the mailing list (see

Step 9

Loading and should give a page saying “Nothing to see here”.
/!\ You must accept SSL certificates before (on AND on

Step 10

Create or edit .my.cnf in your home directory (/home/UTILISATEUR) with:


Step 11

Change directory to /misc/ directory.

Step 12

Edit test_reset and test_setup.

  • In test_reset AND test_setup: replace all “” by “localhost”.
  • In test_reset: replace
# Set up sample users
echo "DELETE FROM users" | $WWW zotero_www_test
echo "INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'testuser', 'b7a875fc1ea228b9061041b7cec4bd3c52ab3ce3', '', NULL, 'member', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 'testuser')" | $WWW zotero_www_test
echo "INSERT INTO users VALUES (2, 'testuser2', 'fc707fc0b8c62cfeeafffde7273978d29d6d2374', '', NULL, 'member', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 'testuser2')" | $WWW zotero_www_test


# Set up sample user in zotero_www_test
echo "DELETE FROM users" | $WWW zotero_www_test
echo "INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'testuser', 'testuser', '45c571a156ddcef41351a713bcddee5ba7e95460', '', NULL, 'member', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00')" | $WWW zotero_www_test

# Set up sample user in zotero_www
echo "DELETE FROM users" | $WWW zotero_www
echo "INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'testuser', 'testuser', '45c571a156ddcef41351a713bcddee5ba7e95460', '', NULL, 'member', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00')" | $WWW zotero_www

Step 13

Launch the command:

$ sudo ./test_reset

Normally, there are few little errors but nothing fatal. I didn't pay attention to it.

Step 14

Launch daemons.
There are 4 daemons, each in its own directory under the processor directory. Fire up for shells and run each independently in the foreground!

$ cd processor/download
$ php daemon.php
$ cd processor/upload
$ php daemon.php
$ cd processor/error
$ php daemon.php
$ cd processor/index
$ php daemon.php

In all cases you should see the output similar to this (the daemon name will vary):

Starting sync download processor daemon
0 processors, 0 queued processes

Step 15

You can try to sync Zotero with login=testuser and password=testuser.
Normally, it works!


Add new user

You must add new entries in zotero_www (or zotero_www_test if in test mode).

  • Necessary fields should be userID, username, slug, password.
  • Password entries are generated by taking a sha1 hash of the user’s password.
  • Slugs are generated by taking the username and trimming whitespace, lowercasing, preg_replace(“/[^a-z0-9 ._-]/”, “”, $input), and replacing spaces with underscores.

Create group

As shown in ‘test_reset’ file:

TODO explain values

INSERT INTO libraries VALUES (3, 'group', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO groups VALUES (1, 3, 'Test Group', 'test_group', 'Private', 1, 'admins', 'all', 'members', '', '', 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00');
INSERT INTO groupUsers VALUES (1, 1, 'owner', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00');
INSERT INTO shardLibraries VALUES (3, 'group');

Custom Zotero

TODO explain how edit zotero.jar

If you want to use your own domain you need to edit the plugin. Edit zotero.js and change SYNC_URL and API_URL with your domain.

    GUID: '',
    DB_REBUILD: false, // erase DB and recreate from schema
    REPOSITORY_CHECK_INTERVAL: 86400, // 24 hours
    REPOSITORY_RETRY_INTERVAL: 3600, // 1 hour
    BASE_URI: '',
    WWW_BASE_URL: '',
    SYNC_URL: '',
    API_URL: ''

Untested / Not working / Todo


  • Webdav to use files attachment.
  • API: explain how to use it or configure it.

Not working

  • Change user privileges in groups only work if the user performs a restore from the server
  • Sync attachment files in My Library using Zotero server (i suppose you need Amazon S3)
  • Sync attachment files in group using Zotero server (i suppose you need Amazon S3)


  • Create SQL script to install database in one step
  • Create interface to add/manage users and groups
  • Test with webdav to use files attachment