As a university-based project intended to foster scholarship and intellectual collaboration, Zotero takes privacy very seriously. We collect some data in order to provide optimal service to you: * Voluntary communications: We store information regarding voluntary contact you have with us, including forum messages and correspondence involving email addresses. * Error feedback: Zotero transmits an anonymous error report if a site translator fails to save from a web page. This report only contains URL, translator, and basic system information to help us quickly diagnose and fix problems and ensure continued functionality for users. It contains no user IP address or other personal information. We also push data to you: * Updates: Similar to other applications, Zotero checks periodically for software updates. In particular, we are constantly refining our support for online resources, and we deliver these changes to Zotero users on a daily basis. This data is not shared with anyone except in cases when legally required to do so; we will cooperate with all investigations conducted by law enforcement authorities of the United States of America. ====== Your choices ====== You can opt out of these automatic processes at any time: * Translator/style update checks can be disabled from the Zotero Preferences. * Zotero program updates can be disabled by setting app.update.enabled to false from the Config Editor in the Advanced pane of the Zotero preferences. * Automatic translator error reporting can be disabled from the Zotero Connector preferences. Automatic updates may include important security and stability updates, and we strongly recommend leaving them enabled.