====== Importing from Other Reference Managers ====== It's easy to migrate your data from other reference management tools to Zotero. Instructions for popular tools are linked below. * [[kb/mendeley_import|Mendeley]] * [[kb/importing_records_from_endnote|Endnote]] * [[kb/import_from_citavi|Citavi]] * [[kb/importing_formatted_bibliographies|Microsoft Word Bibliography XML]] * [[kb/importing_formatted_bibliographies|Plain text reference lists]] * [[kb/importing_standardized_formats|Bib(La)TeX]] * [[kb/importing_standardized_formats|JabRef]] You can also import from other tools, such as Reference Manager, RefWorks, Papers, Google Scholar Library, ReadCube, etc., by exporting to a [[kb/importing_standardized_formats|standardized reference format]], such as RIS, BibTeX, or CSL JSON, and then importing into Zotero by clicking File → “Import…” and choose "A file". If you already have data in a Zotero library on another computer, [[kb/transferring_a_library|follow these instructions]] to transfer your library to your new computer.