=== How do I prevent title casing of non-English titles in bibliographies? === Some CSL citation styles, such as the Chicago Manual of Style styles, convert titles to title case. However, title casing is specific to English. To prevent non-English titles from being title cased, specify the language of the corresponding item in your Zotero library using the "language" field. Use two-letter language codes, e.g. "de" for German, "fr" for French, or "ja" for Japanese (four-letter codes can also be used, e.g. "de-DE" and "ja-JP"; see https://github.com/citation-style-language/locales/wiki for a list of locale codes). English items can be marked as such using "en", "en-GB" (British English) or "en-US" (American English). Titles should generally always be stored in sentence case; Zotero can automatically transform titles into title case, but items cannot be reliably transformed to sentence case (e.g., while treating abbreviations and proper nouns correctly). See [[Sentence Casing]] for more information. {{tag>kb styles}}