====== Zotero Web API (Version 2) ====== This is an old version of the Zotero Web API. **For new development, use [[:dev/web_api/v3/start|API version 3]].** ===== API Documentation ===== * [[Read Requests]] * [[Write Requests]] * [[file_upload|File Uploads]] * [[Syncing]] * [[oauth|OAuth Authentication]] * [[changes_from_v1|Changes from API Version 1]] ===== API Support ===== Please post questions regarding the Zotero API to the [[http://groups.google.com/group/zotero-dev|zotero-dev]] mailing list. ===== API Implementations ===== Known implementations of the Zotero Web API include: * [[https://github.com/fcheslack/libZotero]] (PHP and Python) * [[https://github.com/shazino/SZNZotero]] (Objective-C) * [[https://github.com/urschrei/pyzotero]] (Python) * [[https://github.com/clioweb/phpZotero]] (PHP, no longer maintained) * [[https://github.com/scholarpress/scholarpress-workshop]] The API‌ forms a fundamental part of several projects, including: * The online library view at zotero.org, which is built using the same API‌ * [[http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/zotpress/|Zotpress]], a WordPress plugin for including citations to items in your Zotero library in blog posts. The plugin makes extensive use of the read API and implements both key-based and OAuth for access control. * [[http://www.bibliobouts.org/|Biblio Bouts]], an game where participants compete to collect high quality sources online. The game uses the API‌ to see what items participants have saved. * [[https://github.com/krueschan/phpZoteroWebDAV|phpZoteroWebDAV]], a WebDAV implementation in PHP which allows users to sync their attachments to their own webservers, including an online library and attachment view building off the read API. (AGPL) * [[https://github.com/jmschanck/Scanner-For-Zotero|Scanner for Zotero]], Android app which saves items to Zotero libraries using the write API (Java, GPL-licensed) * [[https://github.com/ajlyon/zandy|Zandy]] Android app using the read and write APIs to provide full access to Zotero libraries (Java, AGPL-licensed) * [[http://www.zotpad.com|ZotPad]] iPad/iPhone app using the read and file upload APIs to provide read access to Zotero libraries and read/write access to attachment files. Write access is planned. (Objective C, GPL-licensed) * [[http://www.zoteroreader.com|Zotero Reader]] Browser app that provides read access to Zotero library and read/write access to PDF attachments. (Javascript/PHP) * [[http://plugins.spip.net/zotspip.html|ZotSpip]], a SPIP plugin to synchronise a Zotero library with SPIP (a content management system). References can be presented in web pages and searched through a dedicated webpage. A complementary plugin (BiblioCheck) allows a research unit to manage corrections to apply to the unit bibliography. (PHP)