We’re in the process of updating the documentation for Zotero 5.0. Some documentation may be outdated in the meantime. Thanks for your understanding.

====== Search Fields ====== These are the values of the fieldName column in the fields table from system.sql The complete listing is below: * url * rights * series * volume * issue * edition * place * publisher * pages * ISBN * publicationTitle * ISSN * date * section * callNumber * archiveLocation * distributor * extra * journalAbbreviation * DOI * accessDate * seriesTitle * seriesText * seriesNumber * institution * reportType * code * session * legislativeBody * history * reporter * court * numberOfVolumes * committee * assignee * patentNumber * priorityNumbers * issueDate * references * legalStatus * codeNumber * artworkMedium * number * artworkSize * libraryCatalog * videoRecordingFormat * interviewMedium * letterType * manuscriptType * mapType * scale * thesisType * websiteType * audioRecordingFormat * label * presentationType * meetingName * studio * runningTime * network * postType * audioFileType * version * system * company * conferenceName * encyclopediaTitle * dictionaryTitle * language * programmingLanguage * university * abstractNote * websiteTitle * reportNumber * billNumber * codeVolume * codePages * dateDecided * reporterVolume * firstPage * documentNumber * dateEnacted * publicLawNumber * country * applicationNumber * forumTitle * episodeNumber * blogTitle * type * medium * title * caseName * nameOfAct * subject * proceedingsTitle * bookTitle * shortTitle * docketNumber * numPages * programTitle * issuingAuthority * filingDate * genre * archive