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Jeffrey Becker : Curriculum Vitae


The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Ph.D., Classical archaeology, 2007.

Dissertation: The Building Blocks of Empire: Civic Architecture, Central Italy, and the Roman Middle 

Republic. Advisor, Nicola Terrenato.

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, M.A., Classical archaeology, 2003.

Thesis: An Architectural Reappraisal of the Roman Villa at Grottarossa (vocabolo Monte delle Grotte). 

Advisor, Nicola Terrenato.

Franklin & Marshall College, A.B., Classical archaeology and Latin, departmental honors, 1999. 

Thesis: Dynastic Imagery and Power: the Flavian Triumph of AD 71. Advisor, Harriet I. Flower.

Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies. Rome, Italy. Spring 1998.

Research interests

Mediterranean archaeology and urbanism; Roman architecture and topography; Italic, Greek, and Roman art and architecture; Archaeological field methodology; Roman history

Professional positions and appointments

2021+. Lecturer (part-time), Department of Middle Eastern and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Binghamton University - SUNY

2016-2021. Visiting Assistant Professor of Classical Studies, Binghamton University - SUNY

2015-2016. Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, The University of Mississippi

2013‐ Associate Editor and Reviewer, The Pleiades Project

2011‐2013 Managing Editor and Reviewer, The Pleiades Project

2012‐2013 Lecturer in Classical Archaeology. Department of Classics, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Spring 2012 Visiting Lecturer. Department of Classics, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2011‐2013 Acting Director, Ancient World Mapping Center, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2010‐2011 Visiting Assistant Professor of Classical Archaeology, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology & the Ancient World, Brown University

2009; 2010 Assistant Director, Summer Program in Archaeology. American Academy in Rome

2009‐2010 Visiting Assistant Professor. Department of Classics, McMaster University

2008‐2009 Visiting Assistant Professor. Department of Archaeology, Boston University

2007‐2008 Visiting Assistant Professor. Department of Classical Studies, The College of William & Mary

Spring 2007 Visiting Instructor. Department of Classics, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2006‐2007 Acting Director. Ancient World Mapping Center, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Archaeological Fieldwork

2007‐2012. The Gabii Project (Italy). Managing director and co‐principal investigator.

2004‐2006. Università di Roma “La Sapienza” Meta Sudans / Palatine NE excavations. Field archaeologist (2004); trench supervisor (2005‐06). Director,Clementina Panella.

2002‐2003. Field research, Villa delle Grotte (Grottarossa). Director, Nicola Terrenato.

1999, 2001. Cecina Valley Survey excavations at Podere Cosciano (Pomarance). Field archaeologist. Director, Nicola Terrenato.



In prep. An Archaeology of Urbanism in Republican Italy: Diachronic Perspectives (Book ms.).

2012. J. Becker and N. Terrenato. edd. Roman Republican Villas: Architecture, Context, and Ideology. Papers and monographs of the American Academy in Rome. University of Michigan Press. ISBN‐13: 978‐0‐472‐11770‐3. [Reviews: BMCR 2013.02.30; Antiquity 87 (2013); AJA 117.3 (2013); Journal of Roman Archaeology 26 (2013) 482‐7] 

Editorial work

2013. Section co‐editor for 100 entries in the ‘Classical archaeology‐Greek and Roman worlds’ section of The Springer Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by Claire Smith et al. (10 v.; Springer Reference).

Peer‐reviewed Articles and Chapters

2014. M. Mogetta and J. Becker. “Archaeological research at Gabii, Italy: the Gabii Project Excavations, 2009‐2011.” American Journal of Archaeology 118.1:171‐88. 

2013. “Italic architecture of the earlier first millennium BCE.” In The Blackwell Companion to Roman Architecture, edited by R. J. Ulrich and C. Quenemoen, 6‐27. Malden MA: Wiley‐Blackwell. ISBN‐13: 978‐1‐4051‐9964‐3.

2013. “Villas and agriculture in Republican Italy.” In The Blackwell Companion to the Archaeology of the Roman Republican Period, edited by J. DeRose Evans, 309‐22. Malden MA: Wiley‐Blackwell. ISBN‐13: 978‐1‐4051‐9966‐7.

2011. J. Becker and J. Nowlin. “Orientalizing infant burials from Gabii, Italy.” BABESCH 86:27‐39. 

2009. J. Becker, M. Mogetta, and N. Terrenato. “A new plan for an ancient Italian city: Gabii revealed.” American Journal of Archaeology 113.4:629‐42. 

2006. “The rediscovery of the Villa delle Grotte at Grottarossa and the prehistory of Roman villas.” Journal of Roman Archaeology 19:213‐20.

Encyclopedia Entries

2013.  “Topography of Rome”; “Giacomo Boni” in The Springer Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by Claire Smith et al. (10 v.; Springer Reference). 

2009. “Liguria.” In Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome, edited by M. Gagarin, 4.253‐4. Oxford University Press.

Invited Articles and Chapters

2013. J. Becker and C. M. Melisch. “Gabii und Rom – zwei antike Zentren in Mittelitalien.” Archäologie in Deutschland 1/2013:58‐60.

2010. N. Terrenato, A. Gallone, J. Becker, and S. Kay. “Urbanistica Ortogonale a Gabii: Risultati delle nuove prospezioni geofisiche e prospettive per il futuro.” In Lazio e Sabina VI: atti del convengo. Sesto incontro di Studi sul Lazio e Sabina, edited by G. Ghini, 237‐48. Rome: Edizioni Quasar. ISBN‐13: 978‐88‐7140‐433‐2.

2009. N. Terrenato and J. Becker. “Il sito di Monte delle Grotte sulla via Flaminia e lo sviluppo della villa 

nel suburbio di Roma.” In Suburbium II: il Suburbio di Roma dalla fine dell’età monarchica alla nascita 

del sistema delle ville (V‐II sec. a.C.), edited by V. Jolivet, C. Pavolini, M. A. Tomei, and R. Volpe, 393-401. (Collection de l’École française de Rome; 419). Rome: École française de Rome. ISBN 13:9782728308200.

2005. “Investigating early villas: the case of Grottarossa.” In Papers in Italian archaeology VI: Communities and Settlements from the Neolithic to the Early Medieval Period. Proceedings of the 6thConference of Italian Archaeology held at the University of Groningen, Groningen Institute of Archaeology, The Netherlands, April 15‐17, 2003 2 v. (BAR Int. Ser. S1452), edited by P. A. J. Attema, A. J. Nijboer, and A. Zifferero, 813‐21. Oxford: ArchaeoPress. ISBN‐13: 978‐1841718903.

Book Reviews (invited)

2009. Review of R. E. Roth, Styling Romanisation: Pottery and Society in Central Italy. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Journal of Roman Studies 99:280‐1.

2005. Review of G. Pucci and C. Mascione, Manifattura ceramica etrusco‐romana a Chiusi: il complesso produttivo di Marcianella. Bari: Edipuglia, 2003. Journal of Roman Studies 95:310‐11.

2004. Review of W. Regter, Imitation and Creation: Development of Early Bucchero Design at Cerveteri in the Seventh Century B.C. Amsterdam: Allard Pierson Museum, 2003. Journal of Roman Studies 94:223‐4.


Refereed Submissions

2012. “Storied pasts? Archaic and Republican Urbanism Compared,” Archaeological Institute of America 113th meeting, Philadelphia, Pa. January 6.

2011. N. Terrenato, J. Becker, A. Gallone, and R. Opitz. “The Gabii Project: Excavations 2009‐2010,” 

Archaeological Institute of America 112th meeting, San Antonio, Tx. January 8.

2010. “Architecture and Middle Republican Urbanism,” 9th Roman Archaeology Conference. March 25‐28.

2010. J. Becker and J. Nowlin. “Infant burials and emerging social hierarchy in Orientalizing Latium,”Archaeological Institute of America 111th meeting, Anaheim, Ca. January 6‐9. 

2009. “Cities, settlements, and architecture in Republican Latium,” 8th Roman Archaeology Conference, University of Michigan. April 3‐5.

2009. N. Terrenato, A. Gallone, J. Becker, and S. Kay. “Urbanistica Ortogonale a Gabii: Risultati delle 

nuove prospezioni geofisiche,” Convegno Lazio e Sabina 2009. Rome, Italy. March 4‐5.

2009. J. Becker, M. Mogetta, and N. Terrenato. “A new plan for an ancient Italian city: Gabii revealed,” 110th Archaeological Institute of America meeting, Philadelphia, Pa. January 10.

2007. “Polygonal masonry and Republican villas: the problem of the basis villae,” Archaeological Institute of America 108th meeting, San Diego, Ca. January 5.

2004. “The topography of public markets at Rome and the problem of the Macellum Liviae,” CAMWS Southern Section 84th meeting, Winston‐Salem, NC. November 5.

2004. J. Becker and N. Terrenato. “The rediscovery of the Villa delle Grotte at Grottarossa and the prehistory of Roman villas,” Archaeological Institute of America 105th meeting, San Francisco, Ca. January 3.

2003. “Investigating early villas: the case of Grottarossa,” 6th International Conference of Italian Archaeology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. April 15‐17.

2002. “Flanking the Forum: the quadriporticus in Roman architecture,” CAMWS 98th meeting, Austin, Tx. April 4.

2001. “Roman perspectives of urban landscapes,” at “Space and Locale in Classical Antiquity,” graduate student colloquium, University of Virginia. February 24.

2000. “The Flavian Triumph of AD 71,” at “Competition and Celebration in the Roman World”, graduate student colloquium, McMaster University. September 30.

Refereed Poster Presentations

2012. R.J.A. Talbert, B.D. Turner, J. Becker. “A Map of Asia Minor around 100 C.E.” Archaeological Institute of America meeting, 113th meeting, Philadelphia, Pa. January 5‐8.

2010. A. Gallone, M. Mogetta, N. Terrenato, J. Becker. “The Gabii Project: the First Season of Excavation,” Poster presentation, Archaeological Institute of America 111th meeting, Anaheim, Ca. January 6‐9.

2008. J. Becker and N. Terrenato. “The Gabii Project: a Report on the First Season,” Poster presentation, Archaeological Institute of America 109th meeting, Chicago, Il. January 4.


2012.  Session  co‐organizer  (with  J.  Sewell),  “Comparative  urbanism  in  the  ancient  Mediterranean world,”  (Contributors: J.  Becker, G. Emberling, C. M. Melisch, M. Mogetta,  J. Sewell, N. Terrenato). Archaeological Institute of America 113th meeting, Philadelphia, Pa. January 6.

2011.  Symposium  co‐organizer  (with  S.  E.  Alcock),  “The  Archaeology  of  Italy:  the  State  of  the  Field 2011,” Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Brown University. March 18‐19.

2010. Session co‐organizer (with M. Mogetta), “The Archaeology of Middle Republican Rome and Italy,” (Contributors: J. Becker, T. J. Cornell, M. J. Johnson, F. Marcattili, M. Mogetta, F.‐H. Massa‐Pairault). 9th Roman Archaeology Conference, University of Oxford. March 25‐28.

2009.  Session  co‐organizer  (with  E.  C.  Robinson),  “Current  approaches  to  the  archaeology  of  first millennium BCE Italian urbanism,” (Contributors: P. A. J. Attema, J. Becker, G. Cifani, M. Mogetta, P. Perkins, E. C. Robinson). 8th Roman Archaeology Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. April 3‐5.

2007.  Joint  AIA/APA  Colloquium  co‐organizer  (with  N.  Terrenato),  “Roman  Republican  villas: architecture,  context, and  ideology,”  (Contributors: J.  Becker,  J.  Bodel,  C. M.  C. Green,  B.  Reay, N. 

Terrenato, M. Torelli, R. Volpe, A. Wallace‐Hadrill). Archaeological Institute of America 108th meeting, San Diego, Ca. January 5.
