Aurel von Richthofen : Curriculum Vitae


Cummings, V., von Richthofen, A., & Babar, Z. (Eds.). (2019). Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Space, Politics and Society. ETH Research Collection.
von Richthofen, A. (2019). Spatial Diversity and Sustainable Urbanisation in Oman [Dissertation, Technische Universität Braunschweig].
von Richthofen, A. (Ed.). (2018). Urban Elements - Advanced Studies in Urban Design. Singapore-ETH Centre.
Nebel, S., & von Richthofen, A. (Eds.). (2016). Urban Oman - Trends and Perspectives of Urbanisation in Muscat Capital Area (Vol. 21). LIT Verlag.
von Richthofen, A. (2013). aurelVR architecture - research, teaching, projects 2009 to 2013.
von Richthofen, A., Baumeister, J., & Werminghausen, M. (Eds.). (2012). UPAD Yearbook 2012. GUtech.
von Richthofen, A. (2009). aurelVR architecture - portfolio 2007 to 2009.

Book Chapters

Cresci, P., Galeazzi, F., & von Richthofen, A. (2023). Urban Decarbonization: Destranding Cities for a Postfossil Future. In C. Veddeler, J. Kuijper, M. Gaht-Morad, & I. van der Wal (Eds.), Future Cities—City Futures: Emerging Urban Perspectives (pp. 82–89). TU Delft OPEN Publishing.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2023). Ein digitaler Stresstest für Städte und Gemeinden. In E. Schweitzer, C. Räuchle, R. Schüle, T. Schönberger, & C. Rauch (Eds.), Beschleunigter Wandel und Resilienz - Leitlinien für die Entwicklung resilienter Städte im digitalen Zeitalter (Langfassung) (pp. 61–63). Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR).;jsessionid=DBF799717E993A2AFF9E6AA12CA7640C.live21323?__blob=publicationFile&v=2
Aydt, H., Habert, G., Hall, D., Hellweg, S., Herthogs, P., von Richthofen, A., & Stouffs, R. (2022). Enable Sustainable Material Flows. In S. Cairns & D. Tunas (Eds.), Future Cities Laboratory: Indicia 03 (pp. 200–201). Lars Müller Publishers.
Cairns, S., Herthogs, P., & von Richthofen, A. (2022). Harness Data Streams. In S. Cairns & D. Tunas (Eds.), Future Cities Laboratory: Indicia 03. Lars Müller Publishers.
Ruefenacht, L. A., & von Richthofen, A. (2022). Mitigate Urban Heat. In S. Cairns & D. Tunas (Eds.), Future Cities Laboratory: Indicia 03. Lars Müller Publishers.
von Richthofen, A. (2022). Augment ‘Genius Loci.’ In S. Cairns & D. Tunas (Eds.), Future Cities Laboratory: Indicia 03. Lars Müller Publishers. 10.3929/ethz-b-000567371
von Richthofen, A., & Maheshwari, T. (2022). Expand the Figure-Ground Relationship. In S. Cairns & D. Tunas (Eds.), Future Cities Laboratory: Indicia 03. Lars Müller Publishers.
von Richthofen, A. (2020). Ethik als Grundlage der Lehre an der GUTech Oman. In C.-P. Haase & M. Fansa (Eds.), Ein Forscher zwischen den Kulturen: Festgabe für Heinz Gaube zum 80. Geburtstag (pp. 78–83). EB Verlag.
Clavier, F., & von Richthofen, A. (2019). Looking Behind the Screen of Big Data. In S. Cairns & D. Tunas (Eds.), Future Cities Laboratory: Indicia 02 (pp. 93–95). Lars Müller Publishers.
Costa, A., & von Richthofen, A. (2019). Taxonometric Insights: Emerging Tool Clusters and Research Links. In S. Cairns & D. Tunas (Eds.), Future Cities Laboratory: Indicia 02 (pp. 76–79). Lars Müller Publishers.
Cummings, V., von Richthofen, A., & Babar, Z. (2019). Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Towards New Spatialities. In V. Cummings, A. von Richthofen, & Z. Babar (Eds.), Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Space, Politics and Society. ETH Research Collection.
von Richthofen, A. (2019). Digital Tools, Pipelines and Protocols. In S. Cairns & D. Tunas (Eds.), Future Cities Laboratory: Indicia 02 (pp. 80–89). Lars Müller Publishers.
von Richthofen, A. (2019). Transferring research knowledge into urban design education. In S. Cairns & D. Tunas (Eds.), Future Cities Laboratory: Indicia 02. Lars Müller Publishers.
von Richthofen, A., Urech, P., & Joergenson Wilson, A. (2019). Physical Tool Taxonomy. In S. Cairns & D. Tunas (Eds.), Future Cities Laboratory: Indicia 02 (pp. 54–75). Lars Müller Publishers.
Hebel, D., Aigner, N., Fleck, D., Heisel, F., Javadian, A., Lee, S., Müller, P., von Richthofen, A., Schlesier, K., & Wisniewska, M. H. (2017). Shifting Paradigms: From Excavation to Cultivation. In S. Cairns & D. Tunas (Eds.), Future Cities Laboratory: Indicia 01 (pp. 191–199). Lars Müller Publishers.
Hebel, D. E., Heisel, F., & von Richthofen, A. (2017). Alternative Baumaterialien. In BodenSchätzeWerte: Unser Umgang mit Rohstoffen (pp. 214–217). vdf Hochschulverlag.
von Richthofen, A. (2017). Ferdinand von Richthofen: a manual for the traveling researcher – towards a chorologic model of geography. In B. Genito & L. Caterina (Eds.), Archeologia delle Vie della Seta - Percorsi, Immagini e Cultura Materiale: Vol. I (pp. 93–106). Scienze e Lettere. 10.3929/ethz-b-000299915
von Richthofen, A., & Hanakata, N. (2017). Conversation on Designing Future Cities with Measures for a New Urban Agenda with Richard Hassell. In S. Cairns & D. Tunas (Eds.), Future Cities Laboratory: Indicia 01 (pp. 82–85). Lars Müller Publishers.
Nebel, S., & von Richthofen, A. (2016). Urban Oman - Editorial. In Urban Oman - Trends and Perspectives of Urbanisation in Muscat Capital Area (Vol. 21, pp. 15–20). LIT Verlag.
Nebel, S., & von Richthofen, A. (2016). Urban sustainability in the Omani context. In Urban Oman - Trends and Perspectives of Urbanisation in Muscat Capital Area (Vol. 21, pp. 249–258). LIT Verlag.
Nebel, S., & von Richthofen, A. (2016). Urbanisation in Oman – Background and trends. In Urban Oman - Trends and Perspectives of Urbanisation in Muscat Capital Area (Vol. 21, pp. 25–36). LIT Verlag.
von Richthofen, A. (2016). Modelling low-rise high-density neighbourhoods in Oman. In Urban Oman - Trends and Perspectives of Urbanisation in Muscat Capital Area (Vol. 21, pp. 191–202). LIT Verlag.
von Richthofen, A. (2016). No urban desert! Emergence and transformation of extended urban landscapes in Oman. In Vanessa Miriam Carlow & Institute for Sustainable Urbanism ISU, TU Braunschweig (Eds.), Ruralism - The Future of Villages and Small Towns in an Urbanizing World (p. 296). Jovis.
von Richthofen, A. (2016). Parameters of urban expansion in Oman. In Urban Oman - Trends and Perspectives of Urbanisation in Muscat Capital Area (Vol. 21, pp. 109–126). LIT Verlag.
von Richthofen, A. (2016). Patterns of urban growth and expansion: the Al Khoud case study. In Urban Oman - Trends and Perspectives of Urbanisation in Muscat Capital Area (Vol. 21, pp. 91–108). LIT Verlag.
von Richthofen, A. (2016). Visualizing Urban Form as Mass Ornament in Muscat Capital Area. In N. Mounajjed (Ed.), Visual Culture(s) in the Gulf: An Anthology (pp. 137–158). Gulf Research Centre.
Hebel, D. E., & von Richthofen, Aurel. (2015). Sand, eine endliche Ressource. In Wie Sand am Meer, Reihe Kunst und Wissenschaft, Katalog zur Ausstellung. ERES Stiftung.
Hebel, D., & von Richthofen, A. (2015). Alternativen inklusive – von einem erweiterten Verständnis unserer Disziplin. In A. Gerber & S. Kurath (Eds.), Städtebau, Stadtentwicklung, Raumplanung: Braucht es noch uns Architekten und Architektinnen?
von Richthofen, A. (2015). Oman’s Urban Turn. In ETH Studio Basel (Ed.), Muscat and Oman - engineered land, a territorial research. ETH-Zürich.
von Richthofen, A. (2010). Regelbasiertes Entwerfen im Unterricht. In S. Hoffmann (Ed.), Open Source School - Neue Synergien zwischen Schule und Kiez in Gropiusstadt. Universitatsverlag der TU Berlin.

Journal Articles

von Richthofen, A., & Ahlswede, T. (2025). From Generative to Responsible AI in Architecture and Planning - Experiences from Arup. DETAIL, Whitepaper Architektur + Künstliche Intelligenz.
von Richthofen, A., & Ahlswede, T. (2025). Open Data und KI in der Planung. DETAIL, 1/2.2025(Digital und Nachhaltig), 19.
Koch, F., & von Richthofen, A. (2023). Digitale Zwillinge für offene smarte Städte: Linked Open Data und Governance-Strukturen von Digital Urban Twins für offene smarte Städte. RaumPlanung, (Post-)Wachstum in Stadt und Region(222), 68–75.
Quek, H. Y., Sielker, F., Akroyd, J., Bhave, A. N., von Richthofen, A., Herthogs, P., Yamu, C. van der L., Wan, L., Nochta, T., Burgess, G., Lim, M. Q., Mosbach, S., & Kraft, M. (2023). The conundrum in smart city governance: Interoperability and compatibility in an ever-growing ecosystem of digital twins. Data & Policy, 5, e6.
Silvennoinen, H., Chadzynski, A., Farazi, F., Grišiūtė, A., Shi, Z., von Richthofen, A., Cairns, S., Kraft, M., Raubal, M., & Herthogs, P. (2023). A semantic web approach to land use regulations in urban planning: The OntoZoning ontology of zones, land uses and programmes for Singapore. Journal of Urban Management, S2226585623000067.
Quek, H. Y., Sielker, F., Kraft, M., Akroyd, J., Bhave, A., von Richthofen, Aurel, Herthogs, P., Yamu, C., Li, W., Nochta, T., Burgess, G., Lim, M. Q., Mosbach, S., & Balijepalli, V. M. (2022). Adding an intelligent data ecosystem to urban planning: a dynamic knowledge graph approach [IPPO]. Covid and Society.
Shi, Z., Silvennoinen, H., Chadzynski, A., von Richthofen, A., Kraft, M., Cairns, S., & Herthogs, P. (2022). Defining archetypes of mixed-use developments using Google Maps API data. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 239980832211414.
Urech, P. R. W., von Richthofen, A., & Girot, C. (2022). Grounding landscape design in high-resolution laser-scanned topography. Journal of Landscape Architecture, 17(1), 58–69.
von Richthofen, A., Herthogs, P., Kraft, M., & Cairns, S. (2022). Semantic City Planning Systems (SCPS): A Literature Review. Journal of Planning Literature.
Chadzynski, A., Krdzavac, N., Farazi, F., Lim, M. Q., Li, S., Grisiute, A., Herthogs, P., von Richthofen, A., Cairns, S., & Kraft, M. (2021). Semantic 3D City Database — An enabler for a dynamic geospatial knowledge graph. Energy and AI, 6.
Vititneva, E., Shi, Z., Herthogs, P., König, R., Richthofen, A. von, & Schneider, S. (2021). Informing the design of courtyard street blocks using solar energy models: a case study of a university campus in Singapore. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2042(1), 012050.
von Richthofen, A. (2020). Aurel von Richthofen, on tools, technology and society around the future of AI and architecture - Artificial Intelligence & Architecture Pavilion de l’Arsenal, Paris, France 27 February – 5 April 2020. Architectural Research Quarterly, 24(4), 379–381.
von Richthofen, A., Tomarchio, L., & Costa, A. (2019). Identifying Communities Within the Smart-Cultural City of Singapore: A Network Analysis Approach. Smart Cities, 2(1), 66–81.
Heim, B., Joosten, M., von Richthofen, A., & Rupp, F. (2018). Land-Allocation and Clan-Formation in Modern Residential Developments in Oman. City, Territory and Architecture, 5(1).
Heim, B., Joosten, M., von Richthofen, A., & Rupp, F. (2018). On the Process and Economics of Land Settlement in Oman: Mathematical Modeling and Reasoning in Urban Planning and Design. Homo Oeconomicus, 35(1), 1–30.
von Richthofen, A. (2018). A Critical Reconstruction of Modern Urban Settlement Patterns in Muscat and Al Bāţinah based on Military Maps. The Journal of Oman Studies, 19, 85–100.
von Richthofen, A., Knecht, K., Miao, Y., & König, R. (2018). The ‘Urban Elements’ method for teaching parametric urban design to professionals. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 7(3).
Cummings, V., & von Richthofen, A. (2017). Urban Sustainability as a Political Instrument in the Gulf Region exemplified at Projects in Abu Dhabi. DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin, 148(4), 253–267.
Hebel, D., & von Richthofen, A. (2015). Constructing Sand. FCL Magazine, Special Issue, Constructing Alternatives, Research Projects 2012-2015.
Hebel, D., & von Richthofen, A. (2015). Sand Lab: Transforming Desert Sand Into Glass. FCL Gazette, 24.
von Richthofen, A. (2015). Desert Sprawl. Rapid urbanisation: the transformation of the desert in Oman. Topos, the International Review of Landscape, Architecture and Urban Design, 93, 96–101.
von Richthofen, A., & Langer, S. (2015). Evaluating the urban development and determining “peak-space” of Muscat Capital Area. Trialog – Journal for Planning and Building in the Third World, 111(Urbanisation in the Gulf Countries).
von Richthofen, A. (2014). Oman - das Gegen-Dubai? Baumeister, 14, 82–89.
von Richthofen, A. (2014). Vanishing Omani Landscapes. Topos, the International Review of Landscape, Architecture and Urban Design.
von Richthofen, A. (2007). 3 Ms of Metabolism. Pidgin - Princeton Architectural Press, 3, 146–163.
von Richthofen, A., & Bittermann, M. (2003). E - Motive Architecture : a conversation with Michael Bittermann. Trans - Journal of the Department of Architecture at ETH.
von Richthofen, A., Kocher, L., & Polo, A. Z. (2003). Merging landscape, architecture and urbanism : an interview with Alejandro Zaera Polo. Trans - Journal of the Department of Architecture at ETH, 11(Transscape-City and Landscape).
von Richthofen, Aurel, A. V. (2003). Machinic landscape : Kommentar zu “Out of sight, Splügen.” Trans - Journal of the Department of Architecture at ETH, 11(Transscape-City and Landscape).
Reber, M., & von Richthofen, A. (2002). Von Schanze zu Schanze schauen. Ein Gespräch mit Marcel Meili, ETH Studio Basel. Trans - Journal of the Department of Architecture at ETH, 10(TransItion).

Conference Papers

Möckel, R., Yangqian, C., Blätgen, N., Saad, A., Sanchez, M. A., Alsalahm, I., & von Richthofen, A. (2024, November 6). Raumnutzung aus Mobilfunkdaten ableiten. DFNS 2024 - Dresdner Flächennutzungssymposium, Dresden.
Grisiute, A., Silvennoinen, H., Li, S., Chadzynski, A., Raubal, M., Kraft, M., von Richthofen, A., & Herthogs, P. (2023). A Semantic Spatial Policy Model to Automatically Calculate Allowable Gross Floor Areas in Singapore. International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures, 455–469.
Uno, G., Herthogs, P., & Von Richthofen, A. (2023, June 14). Is the Smart Circular City emerging? Mapping policies and initiatives in 12 Cities.
Grisiute, A., Shi, Z., Chadzynski, A., Silvennoinen, H., Von Richthofen, A., & Herthogs, P. (2022). Automated Semantic SWOT Analysis for City Planning Targets: Datadriven Solar Energy Potential Evaluations for Building Plots in Singapore. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2022), I, 555–565.
Grisiute, A., Silvennoinen, H., Li, S., Chadzynski, A., von Richthofen, Aurel, & Herthogs, P. (2022). Unlocking Urban Simulation Data with a Semantic City Planning System - Ontologically representing and integrating MATSim output data in a Knowledge Graph. ECAADe 40, 2, 257–266.
Silvennoinen, H., Chadzynski, A., Farazi, F., Shi, Z., Grisiute, A., Richthofen, A., Cairns, S., Kraft, M., & Herthogs, P. (2022). Multi-criteria site selection using an ontology: the OntoZoning ontology of zones, land uses and programmes for Singapore.
Uno, G., Herthogs, P., & Von Richthofen, A. (2022, September 2). Evaluating the Context-adaptiveness of Mobility Visions for Future Smart Cities.
Shi, Z., Herthogs, Pieter, Li, S., Chadzynski, A., Lim, M. Q., Richthofen, A. von, Cairns, S., & Kraft, M. (2021). Land Use Type Allocation Informed by Urban Energy Performance: A Use Case for a Semantic-Web Approach to Master Planning. “PROJECTIONS” - Proceedings of the 26th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2021), 2, 679–688.
Vititneva, E., Shi, Z., Herthogs, P., Koenig, R., von Richthofen, A., & Schneider, S. (2021). Integrating energy and wind performance reasoning in urban form type design for an educational district in Singapore.
Vititneva, E., Shi, Z., Herthogs, P., König, R., von Richthofen, A., & Schneider, S. (2021, June 29). Form follows energy: Energy driven urban design in the tropical climate, case study - Punggol Digital District, Singapore. International Seminar for Urban Form (ISUF) 2021, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK.
Vititneva, E., Shi, Z., Herthogs, P., König, R., von Richthofen, A., & Schneider, S. (2021, September 9). Informing the Design of Courtyard Street Blocks Using Solar Energy Models: Generating University Campus Scenarios for Singapore. Carbon Neutral Cities - Energy Efficiency & Renewables in the Digital Era. CISBAT, EPF Lausanne,  Switzerland.
Grisiute, A., Silvennoinen, H., Shi, Z., Chadzynski, A., Li, S., Lim, M. Q., Sielker, F., von Richthofen, A., Herthogs, P., Cairns, S., & Kraft, M. (2021, September 22). Creating Multi-Domain Urban Planning Indicators Using a Knowledge Graph: A District Energy Use Case in Singapore. International Conference on Evolving Cities, University of Southampton.
von Richthofen, A., Zeng, W., Burkhard, R., Asada, S., Mueller Arisona, S., Schubiger, S., & Heisel, F. (2017, July 14). Urban Mining: Visualizing the Availability of Construction Materials for Re-Use in Future Cities. 21st International Conference Information Visualisation. 21st International Conference Information Visualisation, London South Bank University.
von Richthofen, A. (2014, March 24). Modeling Sustainable Neighborhoods in Oman. Challenges of Urbanization in Arab Gulf Countries, GUtech, Oman.
von Richthofen, A. (2012). Ferdinand von Richthofen: a manual for the traveling researcher – towards a chorologic model of geography. In B. Genito & L. Caterina (Eds.), Archeology of the Silk Road: routes, images and material culture (pp. 165–185).
von Richthofen, A. (2011). Space and Politics of Urbanization in Muscat Capital Area. Politics and Space.
von Richthofen, A. (2011). The Wave-Breaker – A Novel Approach to Computer Aided Design Representation. Crossing the Line. http://crossingthelineconference.
von Richthofen, A. (2011). Top-Down Urbanism in the Gulf Region – Focus on Oman. Dakam - Proceedings of the ArchTheo 2012 Conference, 392–402.

Conference Presentations and Lectures

von Richthofen, A. (2024, March 20). Arup’s Urban Platform: Softwarelösungen und Open Source im Kontext von Urbanen Digitalen Zwillingen [Online]. Arbeits- und Erfahrungsgruppe Urbane Digitale Zwillinge, Berlin.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2024, April 9). Digital Urban Twins [Lecture].
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2024, June 13). Nachhaltige Entwicklung urbaner Räume [Keynote]. Selux Day of Light, Berlin.
Skulic, E., von Richthofen, Aurel, & Saad, A. (2024, June 14). Wissenschaftliche Begleitstudie zu urbanen digitalen Zwillingen (UDZ) als partizipative  Planungsinstrumente im Kontext des UNESCO Welterbes Regensburg. [Presentatoin]. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf die Smart City (IPSC 2024), Kaiserslautern.
von Richthofen, A. (2024, October 16). Bessere Luft durch Verkehrswende? Wie Mobilitäts- und Emissionssimulationen Beteiligung und Entscheidung unterstützen können. Smart Country Convention, Berlin.
von Richthofen, A. (2024, October 30). Faster, better, smarter?  Wie schaffen wir menschenorientierte Lebensräume – statt High-Tech Superstädte? [Panel]. Digitaler Salon, Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft (HIIG), Berlin.
von Richthofen, A. (2024, October 30). Hybrid Living Labs – Artificial Intelligence approaches supporting urban transformation pathways [Presentation]. Fachvortrag, TU Berlin.
von Richthofen, A. (2024, November 5). Data for Survival: Confronting the Climate Crisis. Berlin Science Week - FORUM, Berlin.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2023, January 16). Digitale Zwillinge und Potenziale der Digitalisierung der Stadt [Presentation]. Immobilienwirtschaft mit Schwerpunkt Stadtentwicklung und Smart Cities, HTW Berlin.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2023, February 2). Digitale Stadtzwillinge im Kontext der Modellprojekte Smart City und Linked Open Data. Siemens Real Estate, Berlin.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2023, February 6). Digital urban twins in research and application. Digital Cities Lecture Series, Birmingham City University.
von Richthofen, Aurel, & Gabler, M. (2023, March 2). Digitalisierung für lebenswerte Städte [Keynote]. Construction Summit, Hamburg.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2023, March 16). Airport X Data - Digital Transformation of aerial mobility. Amadeus Airport Community Council, Amsterdam.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2023, March 23). Digitale Zwillinge für Regensburg. EU React - Digitaler Innenstadtzwilling Regensburg, Regensburg.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2023, March 23). The Twin Transition using Linked Open Data for Climate-Neutral Cities. Learning Session of the EC’s “100 Climate-Neutral Cities", Online.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2023, May 8). Wissensgraphen für Städte - Digitale Stadtzwillinge auf semantischen Webtechnologien aufbauen [Symposium]. Digitale Woche Kiel, Kiel.
Von Richthofen, A. (2023, May 26). Forschungsstand Digitale Zwillinge Deutschland / Digitale Zwillinge und Anwendungen der Städte Freiburg, Landshut & Traunreut.
Uno, G., Herthogs, P., & Von Richthofen, A. (2023, June 14). Is the Smart Circular City emerging? Mapping policies and initiatives in 12 Cities.
von Richthofen, A. (2023, September 8). Digitale Zwillinge für offene smarte Städte - Linked Open Data und Governance-Strukturen von Digital Urban Twins für offene smarte Städte. RaumPlanung im Forkus: (Post-)Wachstum in Stadt & Region, online.
von Richthofen, A. (2023, September 15). Knowledge Graphs for Digital Urban Twins in Germany. Cities Knowledge Graph Closing Event, CREATE, Singapore.
von Richthofen, A. (2023, September 21). Breaking the wall of siloed digital twins. Falling Walls Lab, Berlin.
von Richthofen, A., & Chown, M. (2023, September 22). Digital City Twins as one [Arup Digital Executive].
von Richthofen, A. (2023, September 28). Innovationskraft steigern: Mit dem Digitalen Zwilling zu lebenswerten und smarten Kommunen. atene KOM-Panel auf dem KGSt®-FORUM, Hamburg.
von Richthofen, A. (2023, October 26). METROPOLIS Swissnex. Swissnex, Zürich.
von Richthofen, A. (2023, November 15). Smart Green City – Digitale Konzepte für die nachhaltige Stadt [Panelist]. Future Sustainability Week, Berlin.
von Richthofen, A., & Martel, F. (2022, March 14). Smart and Cultural Cities - Provocations V [Online].
von Richthofen, A., & Olszewska, N. (2022, March 28). Smart and Cultural Cities - Provocations VII [Online].
von Richthofen, A. (2022, May 3). Is Europe Ahead of the Curve? Inclusive Circular Cities in Europe. ICCS Panel, online.
von Richthofen, A. (2022, May 12). Data and Digital Tools for Sustainable City Planning. RISE Cities Responsible Leaders Round Table by BMW Foundation, Barcelona.
von Richthofen, A. (2022, June 3). Digitalisierung für/und nachhaltige Städte [Panelist]. 30 Jahre Arup Deutschland, Berlin.
von Richthofen, A. (2022, June 14). City Planning with Knowledge Graphs. Urban Twin Conference, HafenCity Universität Hamburg.
von Richthofen, A. (2022, July 7). Urban intelligence: how are cities using evidence and data to improve decision-making? [Panelist]. IPPO Cities event #7.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2022, August 15). Future of the street: Mobilitätswende and Mobility Hubs.
Uno, G., Herthogs, P., & Von Richthofen, A. (2022, September 2). Evaluating the Context-adaptiveness of Mobility Visions for Future Smart Cities.
Henriques, L., von Richthofen, Aurel, & Alsalahm, I. (2022, September 19). Develop child-friendly urban planning principles for liveable and walkable neighborhoods – the use case of Westlich Kennedydamm and the “Move Düsseldorf" vision in Germany. Walk21, Dublin, Ireland.
von Richthofen, A., Vernon-Avery, I., & Albrecht, F. (2022, September 20). Circular Urban Systems [Workshop]. SBE22, Berlin.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2022, September 30). Breaking the walls of siloed digital twins. Falling Walls Lab, Berlin.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2022, October 12). Wie können wir Städte mittels Daten und digitalen Werkzeugen gerechter, nachhaltiger, lebenswerter, resilienter und schöner machen - und gleichzeitig urbane Freiheiten und Eigenheiten erhalten? [Workshop]. Hightech und Herz - Kompetenzzentrum Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes, Berlin.
von Richthofen, A. (2022, October 27). Intelligente Städte: Wie können digitale Technologien bei der Umgestaltung urbaner Räume helfen? Professur Konstruieren, Energie- und Gebäudetechnik, Jade Hochschule Oldenburg.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2022, November 9). Airport X - Aerial mobility in the post-fossil age [Keynote]. Amadeus 30 Years Event, Berlin.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2022, November 10). DATEN:RAUM:FREIBURG - Experimenteller digitaler Stadtzwilling. Lenkungsgruppe und Oberbürgermeister Stadt Freiburg im Breisgau, Freiburg im Breisgau.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2022, November 15). Launching the IFC Smart City Toolkit. Smart City world Expo and Congress, Barcelona.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2022, November 30). Semantic data for the next generation of Universal Digital Twins [Keynote]. Smart Cities Hackathon, Einstein Center Digital Future, Berlin.
von Richthofen, A. (2021, January 29). Safe Cities Index - Singapore Insights for The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) [Online].
von Richthofen, A., & Tomarchio, L. (2021, March 4). Digitalisation and Smart Cities – The Singapore Model: Vol. Governing cities [MOOC].
Shi, Z., Herthogs, P., Li, S., Chadzynski, A., Lim, M. Q., von Richthofen, A., Kraft, M., & Cairns, S. (2021, March 31). Land Use Type Allocation Informed by Urban Energy Performance: A Use Case for a Semantic-Web Approach to Master Planning.
von Richthofen, A., & Tomarchio, L. (2021, April 13). Digitalizzazione e Smart City - il caso di Singapore.
von Richthofen, A., & Tomarchio, L. (2021, April 27). Digitalisation and Smart Cities – The Singapore Model [Online].
von Richthofen, A. (2021, May 5). Urban AI - Urban Governance Roundtable Conversation [Online]. Urban AI, Paris.
von Richthofen, A. (2021, May 7). Towards Sustainable Cities & Urban Advisory.
von Richthofen, A. (2021, May 28). Towards Circular Future Cities: Learnings from Singapore.
von Richthofen, A. (2021, June 25). Informatik in der Architektur im Dienste der Nachhaltigkeit.
Vititneva, E., Shi, Z., Herthogs, P., König, R., von Richthofen, A., & Schneider, S. (2021, June 29). Form follows energy: Energy driven urban design in the tropical climate, case study - Punggol Digital District, Singapore.
von Richthofen, A. (2021, July 8). Shaping Societies (Cities, Architecture, Landscape) in the Age of Digital Transformation.
von Richthofen, A. (2021, July 19). Evidence-based Design Support in Architecture and Urbanism.
Vititneva, E., Shi, Z., Herthogs, P., König, R., von Richthofen, A., & Schneider, S. (2021, September 9). Informing the Design of Courtyard Street Blocks Using Solar Energy Models: Generating University Campus Scenarios for Singapore.
von Richthofen, A., Herthogs, P., & Kraft, M. (2021, September 14). Addressing Challenges of Urban Policy Making and City Planning with a Cities Knowledge Graph. [Data for Policy 2021]. Lessons for policy-data interactions after Covid-19, London, UK.
Grisiute, A., Silvennoinen, H., Shi, Z., Chadzynski, A., Li, S., Lim, M. Q., Sielker, F., von Richthofen, A., Herthogs, P., Cairns, S., & Kraft, M. (2021, September 22). Creating Multi-Domain Urban Planning Indicators Using a Knowledge Graph: A District Energy Use Case in Singapore.
von Richthofen, A. (2021, November 9). Circular Future Cities: Mapping Material Composition Archetypes using AI. Arup Sustainability Group Sharing Sessions, Berlin, Germany.
von Richthofen, A. (2021, December 2). City Planning with Knowledge Graphs  - Semantic Web Technologies (SWT) Research on Cities led by the Singapore-ETH Centre and the University of Cambridge. Arup Digital Services Monthly Meeting, Dublin, Ireland (virtually).
von Richthofen, A. (2020, February 27). Complex Metropolitan Governance – The Singapore Case Study: Vol. Governing cities [MOOC].
von Richthofen, A. (2020, October 12). AI for Architecture and the Built Environment.
von Richthofen, A. (2020, October 14). Discussant: Gulf Sustainable Urbanism Encyclopedia. Part I: The Past - The historic environment, culture and economy of the region. Harvard Gulf Sustainable Urbanism Book Launch, Harvard.
von Richthofen, A. (2020, November 19). Urban Mapping and Planning in Muscat, Oman using Remote Sensing and Procedural Modelling [Lecture]. Kolloquium am Geographischen Institut der Universität Mainz, Mainz.
von Richthofen, A. (2019, February 18). HIC SVNT LEONES [Presentation].
von Richthofen, A. (2019, March 5). Spatial Diversity and Sustainable Urbanisation in Oman [Disputation].
von Richthofen, A. (2019, May 30). Project for Khulna, Bangladesh. 10 Actions for Urban-Rural Bengal, Future Cities Laboratory, ETH Singapore Center.
von Richthofen, A. (2019, July 2). Stadtbaukunst, Stadtbaugeschichte & Stadtentwerfen im Anthropozän.
von Richthofen, A. (2019, September 24). Research and Teaching Links at the Future Cities Laboratory. Future Cities: Actions, ETH Zurich.
von Richthofen, A. (2019, October 25). Urban Governance in Smart Cultural Cities. Smart Cultural Cities Round Table, Goethe Institute Singapore.
von Richthofen, A. (2019, November 20). Food for Thought - Rethinking our Hawker Centres in Singapore [Presentation].
von Richthofen, A. (2018, July 13). Towards an Engagement Platform - Development of the Education Research Programme at FCL [Presentation].
von Richthofen, A. (2017, January 11). Urban Spatial Reasoning and Representation [Lecture].
von Richthofen, A. (2017, March 16). Design, Co-Evolution and Participation in Urban Planning [Lecture].
von Richthofen, A. (2017, May 25). Education Research at the Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore-ETH Centre [Lecture].
von Richthofen, A. (2017, June 1). Urban Elements -Tools for Education Research at the Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore-ETH Centre [Lecture].
von Richthofen, A. (2017, October 20). Senses and Urban Spatial Reasoning and Representation [Lecture].
von Richthofen, A. (2017, October 23). Urban Mining and Tropical Climate [Lecture].
von Richthofen, A., Cairns, S., & Jasper, A. (2017, December 13). FCL Lunch Talk - Urban Elements [Lecture].
von Richthofen, A., & Hanakata, N. (2016, February 16). Terrain, Topography and Territory - Concepts and representation of urban spaces [Lecture].
von Richthofen, A. (2016, April 5). Visualising material stocks and flows in buildings of Singapore [Lecture].
von Richthofen, A. (2016, April 7). Sand - an (in)finite Resource? [Introduction Lecture]. ETH Global Engineering for Development (E4D) Summer School, TU Delft.
von Richthofen, A., Deffner, V., & Babar, Z. (2016, August 17). Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Space, Politics and Society [Introduction Lecture]. Gulf Research Meeting, Cambridge.
von Richthofen, A. (2016, September 16). Report from the 2016 E4D Summer School with ETH Global at TU Delft [Lecture]. Annual Conference, Future Cities Laboratory, ETH Singapore Center.
von Richthofen, A. (2016, November 17). Circular Material Economies and Urban Mining [Lecture].
von Richthofen, A. (2016, December 13). Rural-Urban Transformation in Oman [Lecture]. IPS: International Planning Sessions -Experts discuss Urban and Regional Challenges, TU Dortmund.
von Richthofen, A., & Nebel, S. (2016, December 16). Urban Oman - Booklaunch and Exhibition Vernissage [Lecture]. Habitat Unit, TU Berlin.
Hebel, D. E., & von Richthofen, A. (2015). Bio-Cementation and Sand Alternatives.
von Richthofen, A. (2015, October 21). Alternative Construction Materials for Future Cities [Habitat III preparation conference]. Future Cities Lab, Jakarta.
von Richthofen, A. (2015, November 18). Productive Spatial Systems in Oman: Case-Study Al Batinah [Conference]. Ruralism, Braunschweig.
von Richthofen, A. (2015, November 25). Urban Mining: From Alternative Construction Materials to Sustainable Neighborhoods [Invited Lecture]. Architecture, Science and Technology, Singapore University of Design and Technology.
von Richthofen, A. (2015, December 21). Il metabolismo urbano [Invited Lecture]. Il progetto di riciclo, Facoltà di Architettura dell’Università degli Studi di Catania, Siracusa.
von Richthofen, A. (2014). Sustainable Urbanization Models for Conflict Zones [Invited Lecture].
von Richthofen, A. (2014, March 24). Modeling Sustainable Neighborhoods in Oman. Challenges of Urbanization in Arab Gulf Countries, GUtech, Oman.
von Richthofen, A. (2013). Greening the desert? Sustainability and Urbanization in the Gulf [Keynote]. Future Cities Conference, Dubai Cityscape, UAE.
von Richthofen, A., & Nebel, S. (2013). Towards Sustainable Patterns of Urbanization in Oman [Progress Report].
von Richthofen, A. (2012). Ferdinand von Richthofen: a manual for the traveling researcher – towards a chorologic model of geography [International Conference Presentation]. Archeologia delle Vie della Seta - Percorsi, Immagini e cultura materiale, Università degli Studi di Napoli, “l’Orientale.”
von Richthofen, A. (2012). Integrated Tourism Complexes and the Impact of Urbanization in Oman. [International Conference Presentation]. Exeter Gulf Conference, Center for Gulf Studies – University of Exeter.
von Richthofen, A. (2012). Muscat Capital Area – Urbanisation Patterns at the Gulf of Arabia [Invited Lecture].
von Richthofen, A. (2012). Parametric Design Beyond Form [Invited Lecture]. Catalyst architecture lecture Series, Sultan Qabous University.
von Richthofen, A. (2012). Parametrie – von der Formgenese zur Organisation räumlicher Zusammenhänge [Invited Lecture].
von Richthofen, A. (2012). Sustainable Urban Planning and Civic Participation – The Mutrah Master Planning and Redevelopment Project in Oman [International Conference Presentation]. AIA – Middle East Architectural Design Days, Jeddah.
von Richthofen, A. (2012). The Urban Form as Ornament – Mass-culture and the Politics of the Continuous (Sub-)Urbanization in Oman [International Conference Presentation]. The Gulf Research Meeting 2012, Cambridge.
von Richthofen, A. (2012). Vom Daten-Ornament zur Daten-Struktur [International Conference Presentation]. Beyond Rendering - Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geometrie und Grafik, TU Berlin.
von Richthofen, A. (2011). aurelVR Practice – Parametric Projects 2001 – 2009 [Invited Lecture]. Marvelous Mondays Lecture Series, GUtech, Oman.
von Richthofen, A. (2011). Mechanisms of Urban Sprawl in Muscat Capital Area [International Conference Presentation]. The Gulf Research Meeting 2011, Cambridge.
von Richthofen, A. (2011). Muscat Capital Area – From Royal Decrees to Urban Sprawl, Mechanisms of Urban Production in Oman [International Conference Presentation]. the Winter School Middle East, Kuwait City.
von Richthofen, A. (2011). Parametric Drawing – a novel approach to representation [International Conference Presentation]. Crossing the line: Drawing in the middle east – intersections of transdisciplinary practice and understanding, American University in Dubai.
von Richthofen, A. (2011). Space and Politics of Urbanization in Muscat Capital Area [International Conference Presentation]. Fourth International Symposium on Architectural Theory, Lebanese American University, Beirut.
von Richthofen, A. (2011). Sustainability as Strategy for Urban Development [International Conference Presentation]. OITE Urban Oman Conference, Muscat.
von Richthofen, A. (2011). Top-Down Urbanism in the Gulf Region – Focus on Oman [International Conference Presentation]. ArchTheo 2011 - DaKam – eastern mediterranean academic research Center, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul.
von Richthofen, A. (2010). Educating Urban Designers in the Context of Oman [Invited Lecture]. Institut für Städtebau und Landesplanung, RWTH aachen.
von Richthofen, A. (2010). Rule-Based Design Approaches in Architecture [Invited Lecture].
von Richthofen, A., & Negron Oberon, L. (2010). Scripting, Fabrication and Iterative Production [Workshop]. DMY Design Festival, Berlin.
von Richthofen, A. (2009). Schwarzpläne – Politics and Space of 20th century urban transformation read from figure ground plans in Berlin [Invited Lecture]. German Language Center, The Ohio State University.
von Richthofen, A. (2008). Metabolism – Lost and Rediscovered in Translation [Invited Lecture]. Knowlton School of Architecture, The Ohio State University.
von Richthofen, A. (2008). Metabo–Urbanism, Cities Without Planning [Invited Lecture]. Knowlton School of Architecture, The Ohio State University.
von Richthofen, A. (2008). Models - Concepts and techniques in architectural design [Invited Lecture]. Knowlton School of Architecture, The Ohio State University.
von Richthofen, A. (2007). Editor of / Architecture as: Membranes, Landscapes, Codes, Proto-Computations [Invited Lecture]. Knowlton School of Architecture, The Ohio State University.
von Richthofen, A. (2007). Shape vs Form – or the recast of Gestalt and Content in Post-critical theory.


Alsalahm, I., Cyganski, J., Sanchez, M. A., Metaj, Brunilda, Kissik, Hannah, & Von Richthofen, A. (2024). Berlin / Data + Smart City Governance · GitLab.
Hess, S., Heuser, L., Schonowski, J., Tcholtchev, N., & von Richthofen, A. (2023). DIN SPEC 91377 - Datenmodelle und Protokolle in offenen urbanen Plattformen (No. 91377). DIN.
Ruth, S., Corless, G., Heidegger, V., Haskell, J., & von Richthofen, A. (2023). Daten:Raum:Freiburg Open Urban Platform Software. Arup.
von Richthofen, A., Saad, A., Cyganski, J., Sanchez, M. A., Kroeske, M., Kniffki, S., Vogt, L., Skulic, E., & Berres, L. (2023). Wissenschaftliche Begleituntersuchung zu digitalen Zwillingen von Kommunen im Bundesgebiet: REACT-EU - Digitaler Innenstadt-Zwilling: Unterstützung bei der inhaltlichen und technischen Konzeptionierung von Anwendungsfällen für ein digitales, raumbezogenes Abbild der Regensburger Innenstadt.
von Richthofen, A., Walder, C., Ruth, S., & Haskell, J. (2022). DATEN:RAUM:FREIBURG mit Entwicklung von zwei Use Cases: Bericht der prototypischen Phase. Stadt Freiburg.
Angélil, M., von Richthofen, A., & Kim, F. (2019). ETH-Singapore Month 2019 Documentation: The Future of Urban Society – STP3 Workshop: Science – Technology – (Prototyping, Policy, Practice). ETH.
Angélil, M., von Richthofen, A., & Kim, F. (2019). ETH-Singapore Month 2019: The Future of Urban Society – STP3 Workshop: Science – Technology – (Prototyping, Policy, Practice). ETH.
von Richthofen, A. (2019). With/Out Water: Architecture within a water-food nexus in Khulna, Bangladesh [Report]. National University of Singapore.
Cairns, S., von Richthofen, A., & Stokols, A. (2018). Disruptive Technologies for Development [Report]. Singapore ETH Centre & The World Bank Singapore Hub.
von Richthofen, A. (2018). With/Out Water: Rethink the nexus of architecture and water [Report]. National University of Singapore.
von Richthofen, A., & Cairns, S. (2018). Transformative Research on Future Cities – Sharjah Learning Event. 10.3929/ethz-b-000294296
von Richthofen, A., & Tomarchio, L. (2018). Knowledge Map: Smart-Cultural City Singapore [Report]. Singapore ETH Centre & Goethe Institut Singapore. 10.3929/ethz-b-000280034
Hebel, D. E., & von Richthofen, A. (2015). Invention Disclosure: Alternative Sand Materials.
Nebel, S., & von Richthofen, A. (2014). Towards Sustainable Urbanization Patterns in Oman (Final Report No. CBS-ORG-09-001). The Research Council Oman.
von Richthofen, A., & Scholz, W. (2013). Oman National Spatial Strategy (ONSS) with focus on urbanisation. Supreme Committee of Planning.
von Richthofen, A., Gronning, O., Baumeister, J., Gaube, H., Aziz, H., & Bontenbal, M. (2010). Consultant to Norplan Oman for the Mutrah Re-Development and Master-Planning.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2007). Emerging landscapes : projected epiphanies on Buenos Aires - concepts and strategies for urban rejuvenation [Travel Report]. Erich Degen Stiftung.,contains,aurel%20von%20richthofen&offset=0

Websites and Blogs

von Richthofen, Aurel, A. V., Saad, A., Alsalahm, I., Moeckel, R., & Cai, Y. (2024). Neue Mobilitätsmuster - Mobilfunkdatenanalyse für Deutschland vor-, während und nach der Pandemie. BBSR.
von Richthofen, Aurel, & Anterola, J. (2024). BNB-Basistool - Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung in frühen Planungsphasen von Baumaßnahmen. BBSR.
von Richthofen, Aurel, A. V., Haskell, J., Cyganski, J., & Walder, C. (2023). Traunreut.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2023, January 3). Stresstest für Städte - Digitales Tool und Breitentest. BBSR.
von Richthofen, A., & Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft. (2023, November 15). Bessere Luft durch Verkehrswende? Dashboard zur Visualisierung der Auswirkungen von Verkehrsmaßnahmen auf die Luft in Berlin.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2022). Digital Twin City of Freiburg - Arup.
Hebel, D., & von Richthofen, Aurel. (2014, October 14). Sand (Teil 1): eine endliche Ressource. ETH Zukunftsblog.
Hebel, D., & von Richthofen, Aurel. (2014, October 16). Sand (Teil 2): nachhaltige Alternativen. ETH Zukunftsblog.
Nebel, S., & von Richthofen, A. (2012).
von Richthofen, A. (2012).

Awards and Grants

von Richthofen, Aurel, A. V., Cook, S., Anderson, L., & Yoon, D. (2023). Funding: Invest in Arup - Curiosity fund of the Global Research Programme 2023/24: Integrated Planning and Whole Energy Systems Thinking using Knowledge Graph (No. 39545). Arup.
von Richthofen, Aurel, A. V., Cyganski, J., Haskell, J., Walder, C., & Heidegger, V. (2023). Funding: Invest in Arup: Assessing the venture potential of Arup’s Open Urban Platform (No. 35705). Arup.
von Richthofen, Aurel, A. V., Haskell, J., Walder, C., Heidegger, V., & Anterola, J. (2023). Funding: Invest in Arup: Vetting and Benchmarking Greenpass’ micro- and meso-climate workflow (No. 35647). Arup.
von Richthofen, Aurel, A. V., Saad, A., Cyganski, J., & Alsalahm, I. (2023). Funding: Invest in Arup: GTFS Network Analysis Tool and Workflow (No. 34967). Arup.
von Richthofen, Aurel, A. V., Saad, A., Heidegger, V., & Richard, C. (2022). Funding: Invest in Arup: Apply the parametric “Inform” tool on an invited master planning competition in Berlin (No. 34443). Arup.
von Richthofen, A., Herthogs, P., Helbing, D., & Biljecki, F. (2021). Funding: FCL Global project D2: Semantic Urban Elements (Future Cities Laboratory Global). National Research Foundation + ETH Zürich.
von Richthofen, A., Herthogs, P., Aydt, H., Hellweg, S., Hall, D., Habert, G., & Stouffs, R. (2020). Funding: FCL Global project A1: Circular Future Cities (Future Cities Laboratory Global). National Research Foundation + ETH Zürich.
von Richthofen, A., Herthogs, P., Kraft, M., Cairns, S., & Lim, M. Q. (2019). Funding: Master-Planning Knowledge Graph (Nos. NRF2019-THE001-0004; Intra-CREATE Thematic Grant - 2019 Call 01 “Cities”). National Research Foundation.
von Richthofen, A., & Cairns, S. (2018). Funding: Advanced Studies in Urban Design Course (No. Urban Redevelopment Authority).
von Richthofen, A., & Tomarchio, L. (2018). Funding: Smart - Cultural Cities (No. Goethe Institut).
von Richthofen, A., & Cairns, S. (2017). Funding: Advanced Studies in Urban Design Course (No. Urban Redevelopment Authority).
Hebel, D., & von Richthofen, A. (2016). Funding: Visualisation of Urban Mining Sources in the Building Stock of Singapore (No. NRF 370071002).
von Richthofen, A., Cairns, S., & Leyk, D. (2016). Funding: Advanced Studies in Urban Design Course (No. Urban Redevelopment Authority).
Hebel, D., & von Richthofen, A. (2015). Funding: Alternative Construction Materials and Methods to Replace Sand and Cement (No. NRF 370071002).
Nebel, S., & von Richthofen, A. (2011). Co-Investigator on research project “Towards Sustainable Patterns of Urbanization in Oman” (No. CBS-ORG-09-001). The Research Council.
Nebel, S., & von Richthofen, A. (2011). Funding: Towards Sustainable Patterns of Urbanization in Oman (No. CBS-ORG-09-001). The Research Council.
von Richthofen, A. (2007). Deans Award. Princeton University.
von Richthofen, A. (2006). High Pass - Studio Award. Princeton University.
von Richthofen, A. (2005). Research Scholarship IKEA Foundation Switzerland. IKEA Foundation.
von Richthofen, A. (2005). Tution Scholarship. Princeton University.
von Richthofen, A. (2004). Travel-Research Scholarship Erich Degen Foundation - Department of Architecture. ETH Zurich.

Conference and Exhibition Organisation

von Richthofen, A., Herthogs, P., & Kraft, M. (2023, September 15). Cities Knowledge Graph Completion Event.
von Richthofen, A., & Hoe, S. F. (2021). EUNIC Conference on Smart Cultural Cities. Goethe institut Singapore and FCL, Singapore ETH Centre.
Angélil, M., von Richthofen, A., & Kim, F. (2019). ETH-Singapore Month 2019: The Future of Urban Society – STP3 Workshop: Science – Technology – (Prototyping, Policy, Practice).
Angélil, M., von Richthofen, A., & Kim, F. (2019). ETH-Singapore Month 2020: The Future of Circular Economies – STP4 Workshop: Science – Technology – (Prototyping, Policy, Practice, ).
von Richthofen, A. (2019, July 10). Seminar Trip Organization: Urban Redevelopment Authority Singapore meets Rotterdam, Paris and Zurich.
von Richthofen, A. (2019, September 25). Engagement Platforms – Fostering teaching-research links in Zurich and Singapore. Future Cities: Actions, Zürich.
von Richthofen, A., & Hakomori, Y. (2019, November 1). Symposium Organization: Study Abroad - Asia Term Review. University of Southern California and FCL, Singapore ETH Centre.
von Richthofen, A., Stokols, A., & Cairns, S. (2018, June 25). Symposium Organization: Disruptive Technologies for Development. The World Bank, Singapore ETH Centre.
von Richthofen, A., & Cairns, S. (2018, October 15). Symposium Organization: Transformative Research on Future Cities – Sharjah Learning Event.
von Richthofen, A., Hakomori, Y., Coaloa, V., & Predock, H. (2018, November 15). Symposium Organization: Study Abroad - Asia Term Review. University of Southern California and FCL, Singapore ETH Centre.
von Richthofen, A. (2017, January 6). Seminar Trip Organization: Urban Redevelopment Authority Singapore meets Barcelona.
von Richthofen, A. (2017, May 25). Seminar Trip Organization: Urban Redevelopment Authority Singapore meets Shanghai.
von Richthofen, A., Lee, G., & Youm, S. H. (2017, July 12). Symposium Organization: Energy Efficient Buildings & Responsive / Smart Cities. Yonsei University and FCL, Singapore ETH Centre.
von Richthofen, A., Hakomori, Y., Coaloa, V., & Predock, H. (2017, November 15). Symposium Organization: Study Abroad - Asia Term Review. University of Southern California and FCL, Singapore ETH Centre.
Hebel, D. E., von Richthofen, A., & Rufer, H.-C. (2016). Organisation: E4D Winterschool 2016: Sand: an (in)finite Resource? Engineering for Development ETH Zürich.
von Richthofen, A., & Papadopoulou, M. (2016, January 4). Conference Organization: Young Researcher Symposium.
von Richthofen, A., & Hebel, D. E. (2016, April 7). Organization: E4D Summerschool 2016: Sand: an (in)finite Resource?
von Richthofen, A., Deffner, V., & Babar, Z. (2016, August 16). Conference Organization: Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Space, Politics and Society.
Hebel, D., & von Richthofen, A. (2015). Exhibition Curated: Future Cities - Research in Action. Urban Redevelopment Authority, Singapore.
Nebel, S., & von Richthofen, A. (2014). Conference Organization: Challenges of Urbanization in Arab Gulf Countries. GUtech, Oman.
von Richthofen, A., Eaton, A., & Nebel, S. (2014). Exhibition Curated: Urban Oman Exhibition. GUtech, Oman.
von Richthofen, A. (2013). Focal point for ETH Studio Basel in Oman. ETH Studio Basel.
von Richthofen, A., Bontenbal, M., & Nebel, S. (2013). Conference Organization: Urban Oman – International Symposium on Urbanization in Oman. GUtech, Oman.
von Richthofen, A. (2008). Conference Organization: Option Explicit – Scripted environments and Digital Fabrication. OSU.
von Richthofen, A. (2008). Exhibition Curated: Option Explicit – Scripted environments and Digital Fabrication. OSU.

Exhibited Designs

von Richthofen, A., & Wootton, T. (2018). Research Tool Taxonomy [320 x 180 x 5 cm; Photograph collage of 85 research tools used at FCL at scale 1:4.]. Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore ETH Center.
von Richthofen, A., & Hebel, D. (2016). Closing the Circle: Urban Metabolism through recycled building materials, alternative cementation processes to innovative building typologies for Singapore. [100 x 110 x 80 cm; Mixed media: Table with laboratory equipment, recycled building materials, liquids, plexiglass, seringes and monitor with documentary movie]. Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore ETH Center.
von Richthofen, A., & Hebel, D. (2016). Sand Lab [200 x 180 x60 cm; Mixed media: laboratory equipment, recycled building materials, liquids, plexiglass, seringes]. La Biennale di Venezia - 15th International Architecture Exhibition.
von Richthofen, A., & Hebel, D. (2015). Sand Laser Sinter Material [20 x 30 x30 cm; Laser sintered sand models, plexiglass, sand]. ETH FocusTerra: BodenSchätzeWerte.
von Richthofen, A. (2010). FU Berlin Campus [30 x 30 cm; Architectural Model]. realstadt – Wünsche als Wirklichkeit. Exhibition organised by Federal ministry of transport, Building and urban Development (BmvBS), represented by the Federal institute for research on Building, urban affairs and Spatial Development (BBSr).
von Richthofen, A. (2006). Modam – Milan Fashion Institute [30 x 30 cm; Architectural Model].
von Richthofen, A. (2005). Urban Village Shenzhen Project: Interstitial Crevices [60 x 60 cm; Architectural Model].
von Richthofen, A., Kocher, L., & Schöndorf, M. (2003). Out of sight, Splügen: Experimental Landscape Design [300 x 180 x 160 cm; Architectural Installation].

Media Coverage

Oebbeke, A. (2024, January 8). Arup Studie: digitale Zwillinge in deutschen Kommunen.
Zhang, Y. (2024, February 29). How will AI shape our future cities? SWI Swissinfo.Ch.
Mayor. (2024, August 1). Agents of change - how cities can use data and public engagement to hit net zero.
Städte und Digitalisierung Muss es immer „smart“ sein? (2024, October 30). Der Tagesspiegel.
von Richthofen, Aurel. (2023, January 26). Linked Open Data und semantische Webtechnologien als Chancen für Stadtdaten. Tagesspiegel Background.
Baur, T. (2023, November 21). Bei digitalen Zwillingen gibt es kein Schema F. Tagesspiegel Background.
Buchheister, C. (2023, December 6). New study on the development of digital twins in German municipalities. Arup.Com.
Digitale Zwillinge bei der Stadtplanung. (2023, December 6). Transforming Cities.
DEAL - Magazine | Real Estate | Investment | Finance. (2023, December 7).
Hölper, V. S. (2022, June 11). „Beton ist Fast Food, Holz gesund“ Deutschland soll bis 2045 klimaneutral werden. Wie gelingt das in Städten, die viele Menschen anziehen? Tagesspiegel, 13.
von Richthofen, A., & Haskell, J. (2022, August 30). Harnessing the power of digital urban twins (S. Zapreva, Interviewer) [Arup Digital Reloaded Newsletter].
Pielawa, H. (2022, December 15). Innovative Vergabe: Wie Freiburg zum Pionier werden will. Tagesspiegel, 1–7.
ETH Singapore Month. (2019). [Broadcast].
Most Downloaded Article - Research Collection Statistics April 2019. (2019). ETH Research Collection.
Kirk, M. (2018, January 10). Can Oman Build a Better Planned City? The Atlantic - Citylab.
Kirk, M. (2016, May 1). Experimenting with Public Transportation in Muscat. The Atlantic - Citylab.
von Richthofen, A. (2016, May 30). The story of cities: the tales we missed. The Guardian - Cities.
Matheis, K. (2015, April 9). Smart nach Plan: Forschung am Future Cities Lab in Singapur. WirtschaftsWoche Global, 44–49.
Kriegsheim, F. (2014). Modeling the Sustainable City for Oman [Broadcast]. In Scitech TV. Oman TV.
Gutech to hold symposium on urbanization in Oman. (2013). Times of Oman.
Kriegsheim, F. (2013). Sustainable Neighborhood in Oman [Broadcast]. In Scitech TV. Oman TV.
Report on Gutech EcoHaus Competition. (2012). Y - Magazine.
Urbanisation meet stresses on energy conservation. (2011, September 21). Muscat Daily.
The Intuitive Home – Aurel von Richthofen has designed a house is sustainable and changes with the needs of its residents. (2011, September 28). The Week Oman.
Stokols, A. (n.d.). The tools of the trade (No. 2) [Audio recording]. Retrieved May 15, 2019, from