Aaron Brennan

Robert Steven Domanko

Robert Domanko is a registered representative of HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. It is a broker-dealer company with more than 2,000 registered representatives in the United States. He has been in the industry securities registration for more than a decade now. Robert offers two different compensation options such as fee only feature and percentage of assets. Robert Domanko is currently working with HSBC under the Head Institutional Equity Derivative and Finance Sales. In May of 2012, he worked as a Head of Emerging Market Equity Derivative Sales for Morgan Stanley. In 2009, he became the Equity Derivative Sales for Merrill Lynch. In 1999 until 2009, Robert Domanko worked as equity derivative sales for Goldman Sachs.Robert Domanko has been in the industry for more than a decade now. His experience in the financial field has made him one of the best people to help you with your financial needs. He is a licensed broker-dealer registered representative. On top of that, he is a certified to purchase and sell securities in behalf of the client. Domanko is a graduate of McGill University and currently residing in New York City.



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